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The wiki is about heroes who really past the admirable standard but have too many prevention, or maybe some. Their evil counterpart is Inconsistently Heinous. |
Nolan Grayson better known as Omni-Man is the deuteragonist of the Image Comics series Invincible. Omni-Man first acts as a fake hero for Earth and hides his ulterior motives of wanting to conquer the planet. After 2 decades later, Omni-Man falls in love with his family and enjoys being a hero for Earth. Unfortunately for Omni-Man, he is forced to conquer Earth for the Viltrumite Empire when his son, Mark Grayson gains superpowers. During Omni-Man's fight against Invincible, Omni-Man flies away from Earth and Invincible due to the guilt Omni-Man feels of betraying both his family and Earth. On Thraxa, Omni-Man reforms from his evil ways by starting a new life and promises Invincible to defeat the Viltrumite Empire.
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IA proposal: Snakebite Andi (Silk trilogy) from Silk: Shards of the past
IA Proposal: Odysseus from EPIC: The MusicalNow that this absolute masterpiece is concluded, it's time to give it's protagonist center stage, so today I'm proposin… |
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