The Earth is the homeworld of humanity, Reptoids, Atlanteans and many other lifeforms. It's inhabitants are controlled by a cabal of powerful and ancient beings known as the Shadow Board.
According to the opening sequence, the Earth is located in the center of the Solar System and is orbited by the Sun, planets and, initially, two moons. Besides this, the planet is actually hollow, divided in several layers and inhabited by mystical creatures. Millions of years in the past, an alien hive mind of sentient mushrooms arrived on an asteroid and thrive for a while, but when a race of primates started to eat them to get more intelligent, the fungi colony were driven to the Hollow Earth to avoid extinction.
Thousand of years latter, this primates evolved and became Earth's dominant species. In 100.000 BCE, when the first human society was created, the smarter individuals gave rise to a secret cabal to protect their species from outer threats and from itself. Since them, they've controlled all humans nations and organisations and also other Earth native species, such as the Reptoids, Atlanteans and more.
- Humanity
- Reptoids
- Atlanteans
- Sentient Mushrooms (non native)
- Mole People
- Sea Monsters
- Moai People
- Talking dinosaurs
- Sentient trees
- Mothmen