Pituitary_gland.gif (600 × 600 pixel, dimensione del file: 4,17 MB, tipo MIME: image/gif, ciclico, 72 frame, 7,2 s)

English: pituitary gland. Images are from Anatomography maintained by Life Science Databases(LSDB).
日本語: 脳下垂体。 画像はLife Science Databases(LSDB)のAnatomographyというサイトより。

from Anatomography, website maintained by Life Science Databases(LSDB).

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Autore Images are generated by Life Science Databases(LSDB).
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Database Center for Life Science (DBCLS)
Database Center for Life Science (DBCLS)
This image was made out of, or made from, content published in a BodyParts3D/Anatomography web site. The content of their website is published under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.1 Japan license. The author and licenser of the contents is

You can download 3D-polygon data of whole human body. And you can also manipulate and edit the polygon data using 3D softwares, for example, Meshlab or Blender.


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attuale11:20, 17 set 2009Miniatura della versione delle 11:20, 17 set 2009600 × 600 (4,17 MB)Was a bee{{Information |Description={{en|1=pituitary gland. Images are from Anatomography maintained by Life Science Databases(LSDB). }} {{ja|1=脳下垂体。 画像はLife Science Databases(LSDB)のAnatomographyというサイトより。}} |Source=from Anatomo

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