

Emma Archer


Emma Archer is a Professor in Geography and Environmental Studies at the University of Pretoria, teaching in the areas of climate and managed ecosystems. Her research focus is largely on drylands, with experience throughout the SADC region and on the continent. Her two main study sites are the southern Waterberg, Limpopo Province; and the eastern Karoo; in South Africa. She is active in international assessments, including work on certain of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) assessments, on GEO-6, on the IUFRO Forests and Water assessment, as well as the 2021 joint IPBES/IPCC report.


Niklas Boers


Niklas Boers is Professor of Earth system modelling at the Technical University of Munich and leads the working group in Artificial Intelligence at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. His research focuses on theoretical aspects of Earth system dynamics, including abrupt transitions and extreme events, using both models and observations. With his team he works on Machine Learning approaches for Earth system science, including methodological developments for combining process-based with Machine Learning models, and for generative Machine Learning for bias correction and downscaling of climate model data. He has a leading role in several international activities focusing on these research themes.

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