Kevreyth Keswlasek Unsesow

Furv arnowydh an system metrik a vusur yw an Kevreyth Keswlasek Unsesow, (Frynkek - Le Système international d'unités}}; Sowsnek - International System of Units) selys war seyth unses elvennek ha devnydh an niver deg (10).

Ottomma an system musur gwella gerys y'n bys, po yn diwysyans, po adhysk po godhonieth. Kevys yw ynwedh, unsesow moy degemerys warbarth ha rol an SI.

Gwithys yw komendyans sodhogel dhe'n Kevreyth war wiasva NIST, ow komprehendya golinyans a gesberthynyans an unsesow an eyl dh'y gila. A-is yma rol a'n unsesow elvennel (kevys yw rol leun yn derivans (CODATA) a-dro dhe re erel kepar ha tooth golow.

==An seyth unses elvennel==seyth chif klass, ow settya rag-gorransow a-rag an henwyn. Pubonan a'n unsesow elvennel a sew yw sortow dyffrans a vusuransow. Pub unses aral a dheu dhyworth an seyth ma.

An seyth unses elvennel SI[1][2]
Hanow Arwodh an Unses An pyth yw musurys Arwodh
meter m hys l (lytheren vyghan)
kilogram kg gronnedh m
eylen s termyn t
amper A fros tredan I (i: lytheren veur)
kelvin K tempredh T
kandela cd krefter golow Iv (i meur gans tanskrifans v)
mol mole myns a dhevnydh n


Rag-gorrans savonys dhe ri a-rag an Unsesow
Liessommen Hanow deca- hecto- kilo- mega- giga- tera- peta- exa- zetta- yotta-
Arwodh da h k M G T P E Z Y
Faktor 100 101 102 103 106 109 1012 1015 1018 1021 1024
Isklass Hanow deci- centi- milli- micro- nano- pico- femto- atto- zepto- yocto-
Arwodh d c m μ n p f a z y
Faktor 100 10−1 10−2 10−3 10−6 10−9 10−12 10−15 10−18 10−21 10−24

Nebes unsesow SI rag Fysegieth

An lythyerennek (Fysegieth)
Pyth y musurys An ger Sowsnek SArwodh Unses savonek Furvel
Dyffrans potensyal Potential difference V volt, V V = I.R
Fros Current I amper, A I = V/R
Sprallansedh tredanel electric resistance R ohm, Ω R = V/I
Dynedh tredanel electric inductance L henry, H H = Ώ.s
Dalghasedh tredanel electric capacitance C farad, F F = s/Ώ
Kargedh Charge Q coulomb, C Q = I.t
Radyovewekter ha breynans radyovewek Radioactivity a Radioactive decay Bq becquerel 1/s po A= -λN
Gallosedh Power P watt, W P = V.I po P = I2.R
Nerth Energy E joule, J E = Q.V po V = E/Q
Termyn Time t Eylen, s E = F.I po P.t
Forsedh Force F newton, N F = m.a
Gronnedh Mass m kilogram, kg F = m.a
Poos Weight neu force W newton, N W = m.g
Dosedh Density D kg/m3, kg/m3 D = m/V
Torghedh Moment of force po torque M newton-meter, Nm IM = F.l
Skavder po tooth Speed neu velocity v meter/eylen, m/s v = p/t
Uskisheans Acceleration a meter/eylen2, m/s2 a = Δv/t po a = F/m
Gwaskedh Pressure P Pascal, Pa (N/m2) P = F/A
Arenebedh Area A meter2, m2 A=s2 (s = hys an tu)
Dalghedh Volume V meter3, m3 A=s3 (s = hys an tu)
Menowghder Frequency f po ν (ν = nu Grek) hertz, Hz f = 1/t (t = spys termyn)
Tonnhys Wavelength λ meter, m v = ν.λ (furvel ton)
Ober gwrys Work po heat Wd joule, J Wd = F.d
Nerth galladow Potential energy EP joule, J EP = m.g.Δh (h = ughelder)
Nerth kinetyk Kinetic energy EC joule, J EC= ½ m.v2

  Onan a'n mil erthygel posekka war Wikipedya yw an erthygel ma.
  1. Barry N. Taylor & Ambler Thompson Ed. The International System of Units (SI) [1]Skantlyn:Dolen marw Adalwyd: Mehefin 2008; cyhoeddwr: National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, 2008
  2. Quantities Units and Symbols in Physical Chemistry, IUPAC