Devnydhyer:DavydhT/Kyst Tewes/Canes Venatici (ranneves)

Canes Venatici yw ranneves aswonnys avel onan a'n 88 aswonnys gans an Unyans Steroniethek Keswlasek (IAU). Canes Venatici yw yn hantergylgh north an pel nevek, ha gwrys o gans Johannes Hevelius yn 17ves kansblydhen. Y hanow yw Latinek rag 'helgeun', hag yn fenowgh yw delinys avel helgeun Boötes an bugel, yw ranneves nessa.

Ensampel a ranneves Edit this on Wikidata
Rann a hantergylgh nevek an gogledh Edit this on Wikidata

Canes Venatici yw ranneves nebes le a'n myns mayn (465 a degreow pedrek, 38ves a'n 88) ha nyns eus meur a ster ughel aga splannder ynno. Alpha Canum Venaticorum yw an splanna sterenn, henwys ynwedh avel Cor Caroli, avel kov rag Myghtern Charles I a Bow Sows o ledhys. War y emlow yma Usra Major dhe'n north ha west, Coma Berenices dhe'n soth, ha Boötes dhe'n est. Berrheans an hanow yw CVn.

Yma lies galaksi dhe les yn Canes Venatici y'ga mysk peswar esel an katalog Messier: M51 (an Galaksi Lonklynn), M63 (an galaksi howlvlujenn), M94, M106; ha unn bonni pelek M3.

Canes Venatici delinys yn Urania's Mirror, kartennow ranneves dyllys yn Loundres c.1825.
Canes Venatici
Canes Venatici
Abbreviation CVn
Genitive Canum Venaticorum
Pronunciation Skantlyn:IPAc-en Skantlyn:Respell,[4] genitive Skantlyn:IPAc-en
Symbolism the Hunting Dogs
Right ascension Skantlyn:RA to Skantlyn:RA
Declination +27.84° to +52.36°[5]
Area 465 sq. deg. (38th)
Main stars 2
Stars with planets 4
Stars brighter than 3.00m 1
Stars within 10.00 pc (32.62 ly) 2
Brightest star Cor Caroli (Asterion) (α CVn) (2.90m)
Messier objects 5
Meteor showers Canes Venaticids
Visible at latitudes between +90° and −40°.
Best visible at 21:00 (9 p.m.) during the month of Skantlyn:Big.


  1. "A cosmic atlas". European Space Agency. 24 July 2017. DavydhT/Kyst Tewes/Canes Venatici (ranneves)
  2. "Dim and diffuse". European Space Agency. 17 July 2017. DavydhT/Kyst Tewes/Canes Venatici (ranneves)
  3. "Astro-pointillism". European Space Agency. 19 December 2016. DavydhT/Kyst Tewes/Canes Venatici (ranneves)
  4. "Constellation Pronunciation Guide". 13 December 2006. DavydhT/Kyst Tewes/Canes Venatici (ranneves)
  5. "Canes Venatici, constellation boundary". The Constellations (International Astronomical Union). Kyrghys 15 February 2014.