Hoplocarida sunt subclassis crustaceorum, cuius sola taxa exstantia sunt Stomatopoda, sed duo alii ordines, Aeschronectida et Palaeostomatopoda, Aevo Palaeozoico exsistiterunt.[1]

Subphylum : Crustacea 
Classis : Malacostraca 
Subclassis : Hoplocarida 
Calman, 1904
Subdivisiones: Ordines
  1. Ronald A. Jenner, Cees H. J. Hof & Frederick R. Schram (1998), "Palaeo- and archaeostomatopods (Hoplocarida: Crustacea) from the Bear Gulch Limestone, Mississippian (Namurian), of central Montana," Contributions to Zoology 67(3):155–186.
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