The Masque of Queens est fabula personata a Beniamino Jonson scripta, vestimentis ab Ignatio Jones designatis, die 2 Februarii 1609 a regina Anna Daniae, Iacobi I uxore, docta. Parte prima vel antifabulá saltitaverunt cantitaveruntque sagae undecim dominamque suam laudaverunt. Inde, prologo a Virtute Heroica et Fama pronuntiato, reginae duodecim e domo famae egredientes cum cantu et saltatione fabulam concludunt. Liber manu scriptus autographus, a Beniamino Jonson reginae Annae oblatus, in Bibliotheca Britannica sub siglo Royal 18.A.xlv servatur. Designationes Ignatii Jones in collectu ducum Devoniae apud Chatsworth ostentantur.
Penthesilea, Artemisia, Atalanta, Berenice: vestimenta scaenica ab Ignatio Jones anno 1608 designata. Persona Atalantae ex ultima fabulae recensione deleta, vestimentum fortasse ad aliam personam attributa est
Domus Famae: designatio scaenica ab Ignatio Jones anno 1608 facta

De praeparatione huius fabulae epistulam scripsit die fere 14 Novembris 1608 Ioannes Donne, qui nuper cum comitissa Bedfordiae Lucia Russell (Penthesilea futura) cenaverat:

I was in the street going to sup with my Lady Bedford ... The King ... hath left with the Queen a commandment to meditate upon a masque for Christmas, so that they grow serious about that already; that will hasten my Lady Bedfords journey, who goes within ten days from hence to her Lord, but by reason of this, can make no long stay there.[1]

("In via eram apud dominam de Bedfordia cenaturus ... Rex noster Reginam commendavit ut de fabula aliqua personata meditaret die Nativitatis agenda, ita ut de hac re iam assidue colloquuntur. Iter ergo dominae de Bedfordia citius perfectum erit, quae abhinc inter dies decem ad Dominum suum ibit, sed, fabulae parandae causà, haud longe ibi morare poterit.") Fabula autem tardius confecta non ante diem 2 Februarii 1609 acta est. Auctor Beniaminus Jonson, qui iam pro regina alias fabulas personatas composuerat, nunc primum antifabulam praeponendam statuit, cuius textum curiosissime cum scholiis eruditis de operibus sagarum tam antiquarum quam recentiorum accommodavit. Sagis ab actricibus personatis, ipsa regina mulieresque nobiles reginarum partes fabulosarum egerunt:
Camilla, Candace, Thomyris, Zenobia: vestimenta scaenica ab Ignatio Jones anno 1608 designata
  1. John Donne, Letters to Severall Persons of Honour (Londinii: Richard Marriot, 1651) no. xlvi, pp. 123-124


  • C. H. Herford, Percy Simpson, Evelyn Simpson, edd., Ben Jonson (Oxonii: Clarendon Press, 1925-52) vol. 7 pp. 267-319 [textus]; vol. 10 pp. 491-508 [scholia]
  • David Lindley, "The Masque of Queens: Textual Essay" in The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Ben Jonson Online
  • John Peacock, The Stage Designs of Inigo Jones: The European Context. Cantabrigiae: Cambridge University Press, 1995 (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
  • Roy S. Strong, Festival Designs by Inigo Jones. Vasingtoniae: International Exhibitions Foundation, 1967

Nexus externi

The Masque of Queens : Index personarum
Beniaminus Jonson

Domina sagarum • Sagae undecim
Virtus heroica • Fama
Penthesilea, regina Amazonum • Camilla, regina Volscorum • Thomyris, regina Scytharum • Artemisia, regina Cariae • Berenice, regina Aegypti • Hypsicratea, regina Ponti • Candace, regina Aethiopum • Voadicea, regina Icenorum • Zenobia, regina Palmyrae • Amalasuntha • Valasca, regina Bohemorum • Belanna, reginarum regina

Opera Beniamini Ionsonii
Titulus editionis in folio anno 1616 divulgatae

Ludi scaenici: A Tale of a Tub  · The Case is Altered  · Every Man in His Humour  · Every Man out of His Humour  · Cynthia's Revels  · Poëtaster  · Sejanus's Fall  · Eastward Ho  · Volpone  · Epicoene  · The Alchemist  · Catiline's Conspiracy  · Bartholomew Fair  · The Devil is an Ass  · The Staple of News  · The New Inn  · The Magnetic Lady  · The Sad Shepherd  · Mortimer's Fall
Ludi personati: The Coronation Triumph  · The Penates  · The Satyr  · The Masque of Blackness  · Hymenaei  · The Hours  · The Masque of Beauty  · The Masque of Queens  · The Hue and Cry after Cupid  · The Entertainment at Britain's Burse  · The Lady of the Lake  · Oberon  · Love Freed from Ignorance and Folly  · Love Restored  · A Challenge at Tilt  · The Irish Masque at Court  · Mercury Vindicated from the Alchemists  · The Golden Age Restored  · Christmas's Masque  · The Vision of Delight  · Lovers Made Men  · Pleasure Reconciled to Virtue  · News from the New World Discovered in the Moon  · The Newcastle Entertainment  · Pan's Anniversary  · The Gypsies Metamorphosed  · The Masque of Augurs  · Time Vindicated to Himself and to his Honours  · Neptune's Triumph  · The Masque of Owls  · The Fortunate Isles and Their Union  · Love's Triumph Through Callipolis  · Chloridia  · The King's Entertainment at Welbeck  · Love's Welcome at Bolsover
Carminum collectanea: Epigrams  · The Forest  · To Penshurst  · A Discourse of Love  · The Execration against Vulcan  · Underwoods  · On My First Sonne  · To Celia
Singula poëmata selecta: "Doing, a filthy pleasure is, and short"  · "To the memory of my beloved, the author, Mr. William Shakespeare"
Versiones: Argenis  · Horace's Art of Poetry
Alia opera: English Grammar  · Timber

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