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Latviešu: 100 lati reverss
This is a reproduction of a unit of currency from Latvia. Per Latvian law all units of currency that were no longer in circulation by 1 May 2004 are in public domain per the copyright law of 1993 and the copyright law of 2000. Per 2004 amendments of Latvian copyright law, Chapter IV, section 171, the economic copyrights do not apply to currency, however reproductions are allowed either 1.) if written permission is obtained or 2.) criteria for reproduction set by issuing national bank or country are met. Per Bank of Latvia copyright statement, reproductions of Latvian lats banknotes must comply with the following criteria:
For Banknotes
Per sections 4:
The word SPECIMEN is printed diagonally across the reproduction on the obverse and reverse of the banknote. The length of the word must be least 75% of the length of the reproduction and the height is at least 15% of the width of the reproduction. The word SPECIMEN cannot be transparent.
The resolution does not exceed 72 dpi.
Please make sure the image meets the criteria before uploading.
Latvian banknote//commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Latvia-1992-Bill-100-Reverse.jpgfalse
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