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English: The Orion nebula in true colour.
Français : Nébuleuse d'Orion vue par le HST.
Quell hubblesite.org STScI-PRC1995-45a
Auteur Credit: NASA, C.R. O'Dell and S.K. Wong (Rice University)
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Material credited to STScI on this site was created, authored, and/or prepared for NASA under Contract NAS5-26555. Unless otherwise specifically stated, no claim to copyright is being asserted by STScI and it may be freely used as in the public domain in accordance with NASA's contract. However, it is requested that in any subsequent use of this work NASA and STScI be given appropriate acknowledgement. ...]
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aktuell18:03, 14. Sep. 2007Miniaturbild fir d'Versioun vum 18:03, 14. Sep. 20072.730 × 2.940 (441 KB)Poulos~commonswikifrom fr: larger version of the same image with no watermark
08:34, 23. Sep. 2005Miniaturbild fir d'Versioun vum 08:34, 23. Sep. 2005743 × 800 (77 KB)DodoThe Orion nebula in true colour.<br> '''CREDIT:''' C.R. O'Dell (Rice University), and NASA <br> '''SOURCE:''' http://www.seds.org/messier/more/m042_hst2.html <br> '''COPYRIGHT STATEMENT:''' ''Material credited to STScI on this site was created, authore

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