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Tabori, George, 1914-2007

LC control no.n 87153075
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPS3539.A145
Personal name headingTabori, George, 1914-2007
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Variant(s)Tábori, György, 1914-2007
Other standard no.0000000121230495
Birth date1914-05-24
Death date2007-07-23
Place of birthBudapest (Hungary)
Place of deathBerlin (Germany)
Profession or occupationAuthors Theatrical producers and directors
Found innuc86-100945: Unterammergau, oder, Die guten Deutschen, c1981 (hdg. on CU rept.: Tabori, George, 1914- ; usage: George Tabori)
LC data base, 12/23/87 (hdg.: Tabori, George, 1914- )
Wikipedia, viewed February 26, 2024 (George Tabori; born György Tábori, May 24, 1914 in Budapest, Austria-Hungary; died July 23, 2007 in Berlin, Germany; Hungarian writer and theatre director)
Invalid LCCNn 88037266