Barking Mad is a quest that you can find in the Back to the Future World in Hill Valley (1885) given by Seamus McFly.
Start of the Quest
You ought to watch yourself, friend. Buford "Mad Dog" Tannen has been causing trouble something fierce of late.
Don't reckon to know what's got him and his boys so riled up, but I DO reckon that anyone who can send him and his mongrels back to the pound would be looking at a handsome reward from the town.Seamus upon approaching him
End of the Quest
Heard that you sent Mad Dog and his boys riding off into the sunset with their tails between their legs. Guess you'll be wanting that reward I mentioned, eh?
Though I reckon that it won't take him long to lick his wounds and start 'hounding' people again. Gives me more time to think up some new dog jokes, I suppose.Seamus upon finishing the Quest
Defeat Buford "Mad Dog" Tannen and his goons.