Mission: Impurrsible is a Quest you can find in the Mission: Impossible World at the CIA Headquarters given by Eugene Kittridge.
Upon Approaching
"Meow! I have a meow-ission that is just purr-fect for you!" - Eugene Kittridge upon approaching him.
Start of the Quest
"A number of cats have gotten themselves stuck in high places at key mission locations. All that noisy meowing is drawing too much attention for our agents to be able to carry out their missions undetected... Something needs to be done!
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to rescue those cats! According to our intel, they're only confident enough to jump down if a firefighter is there to encourage them... So acquire a disguise and get on it!" - Eugene Kittridge at the Start of the Quest.
End of the Quest
"Great job. Now our other agents can continue their missions without these fluffy little nuisances giving the game away...
That just leaves the problem of convincing these cats that they're gathered around a state-of-the-art mechanical mission distribution point and not, in fact, their mother." - Eugene Kittridge upon finishing the Quest.
Rescue 3 cats as a firefighter in various IMF mission locations (CIA Headquarters, Ambrose Residence, and the Wind Farm).
- The title is a pun on the franchise of its origin in question.
- It also has a similar objective with the Cat Sled Catastrophe Quest.