
Mbeya's crash

Mbeya's crash
Mbeya's crash
2019-08-15-23 17 51
Organizational information


Notable members



Pride Lands


Pride Landers



Mbeya's crash is a herd of rhinoceroses led by Mbeya. They live in the Pride Lands.


The Lion Guard

"The Kupatana Celebration"

The crash attends the Kupatana celebration in Mizimu Grove.

"Ono's Idol"

Mbeya and his crash attend Hadithi's Royal Mud Print Ceremony. Later, they attend Ono's ceremony.

"Beshte and the Hippo Lanes"

A few members of the crash can be seen while Beshte is making hippo lanes in the Flood Plains.

"Ono the Tickbird"

A few members of the crash attend Tamasha.

"Let Sleeping Crocs Lie"

The crash attends the mashindano between Makuu and Kiburi.

"Rafiki's New Neighbors"

The crash is present as Makini paints her first portrait at Pride Rock.

"The Scorpion's Sting"

The crash attends Simba's Kumbuka celebration at Pride Rock.

"Pride Landers Unite!"

The Lion Guard concludes that the Pride Landers must unite against the threat of the Outlanders. They gather together Bupu's herd, Laini's group, Ma Tembo's herd, and Mbeya's crash ("Pride Landers Unite!").

2019-02-06-03 39 39
Mbeya and his crash fight the Army of Scar

At first, the Pride Landers are tense, but Kion works to defuse the tension. He instructs the animals to race toward Bunga. However, the event soon gets out of hand, for the animals trip over the galagos and end up in a heap. Kion then gets the idea to call Makuu the crocodile for help. Makuu begrudgingly agrees to help, but his training is too rigorous and ruthless for the other Pride Landers to master.

The Army of Scar besieges Makuu's float, with Kiburi _targeting Makuu. Ono witnesses the battle and reports his findings to Kion. Together, the Lion Guard and their Pride Lander allies storm the watering hole and fight off the Army of Scar.

After the fight, Makuu thanks the crash for their help and vows to do the same for them should the need ever arise.

"The Queen's Visit"

The crash is present when Dhahabu arrives at Pride Rock to discuss a water treaty with Simba.

"Battle for the Pride Lands"

The crash assists their fellow Pride Landers in defeating the Army of Scar. Later, they bid the Lion Guard farewell as they depart for the Tree of Life.

"Return to the Pride Lands"

The crash watches the Battle of the Lion Guards. Later, they attend Kion's wedding to Rani.

Notable members

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