Module:Effective protection level

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Effective protection level/doc

local p = {}

-- Returns the permission required to perform a given action on a given title.
-- If no title is specified, the title of the page being displayed is used.
function p._main(action, pagename)
	local title
	if type(pagename) == 'table' and pagename.prefixedText then
		title = pagename
	elseif pagename then
		title =
		title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()
	pagename = title.prefixedText
	if action == 'autoreview' then
		local level = mw.getCurrentFrame():callParserFunction('PENDINGCHANGELEVEL', pagename)
		if level == 'review' then
			return 'reviewer'
		elseif level ~= '' then
			return level
			return nil -- not '*'. a page not being PC-protected is distinct from it being PC-protected with anyone able to review. also not '', as that would mean PC-protected but nobody can review
	elseif action ~= 'edit' and action ~= 'move' and action ~= 'create' and action ~= 'upload' then
		error( 'First parameter must be one of edit, move, create, upload, autoreview', 2 )
	if title.namespace == 8 then -- MediaWiki namespace
		return 'sysop'
	elseif title.namespace == 2 and title.isSubpage and ( title.contentModel == 'javascript' or title.contentModel == 'css' ) then -- user JS or CSS page
		return 'sysop'
	local level = title.protectionLevels[action] and title.protectionLevels[action][1]
	if level == 'sysop' or level == 'editprotected' then
		return 'sysop'
	elseif title.cascadingProtection.restrictions[action] and title.cascadingProtection.restrictions[action][1] then -- used by a cascading-protected page
		return 'sysop'
	elseif level == 'templateeditor' then
		return 'templateeditor'
	elseif action == 'move' then
		local blacklistentry = mw.ext.TitleBlacklist.test('edit', pagename) -- Testing action edit is correct, since this is for the source page. The _target page name gets tested with action move.
		if blacklistentry and not blacklistentry.params.autoconfirmed then
			return 'templateeditor'
		elseif title.namespace == 6 then
			return 'filemover'
			return 'autoconfirmed'
	local blacklistentry = mw.ext.TitleBlacklist.test(action, pagename)
	if blacklistentry then
		return blacklistentry.params.autoconfirmed and 'autoconfirmed' or 'templateeditor'
	elseif level == 'editsemiprotected' then -- create-semiprotected pages return this for some reason
		return 'autoconfirmed'
	elseif level then
		return level
	elseif action == 'upload' then
		return 'autoconfirmed'
	elseif action == 'create' and title.namespace % 2 == 0 and title.namespace ~= 118 then -- You need to be registered, but not autoconfirmed, to create non-talk pages other than drafts
		return 'user'
		return '*'

setmetatable(p, { __index = function(t, k)
	return function(frame)
		return t._main(k, frame.args[1])
end })

return p