The President's Musical Showcase, also known as His Excellency's Musical Showcase or the Presidential Music Event, is a musical event that takes place at Canterlot Presidential University (final stage at Donetsk Amphitheater), available in the LMB story episode – Rainbow Rocks. It is organized by the civilians from each campuses of all Petrovburg to raise money for after-college programs. However, the group band that commanded by Princess Aulia – The Dazzlings, soon mesmerize all Petrovburg's campuses to turn the friendly variety show into an all-out battle of the bands. A total of sixteen music groups from every Petrovburger universities take part in the game.
Participating bands
Bracket match-ups
Round of 16
- Unnamed Rocker vs. Cecil and the Illusions
- Winner: Cecil and the Illusions
- Luciano and the Sweetie Drops vs. Unnamed Techie
- Winner: Luciano and the Sweetie Drops
- MC Snips and DJ Snazzy Snails vs. Trixie and d'Essentials
- Winner: Trixie and d'Essentials
- Friheten Rainbooms vs. The Octavia Melody
- Winner: Friheten Rainbooms
- Sikumbang Snapshots vs. Diamond Dog Boys
- Winner: Sikumbang Snapshots
- Unnamed Dramas vs. The Dazzlings
- Winner: The Dazzlings
- Green Cycle vs. Flash Sentry
- Winner: Flash Sentry
- Derpy and the Northern Poles vs. Cutie Mark Crusaders
- Winner: Cutie Mark Crusaders
Round of 8
- Cecil and the Illusions vs. Luciano and the Sweetie Drops
- Winner: Cecil and the Illusions
- Trixie and d'Essentials vs. Friheten Rainbooms
- Winner: Friheten Rainbooms
- Sikumbang Snapshots vs. The Dazzlings
- Winner: The Dazzlings
- Flash Sentry vs. Cutie Mark Crusaders
- Winner: Flash Sentry
- The Dazzlings vs. Flash Sentry
- Winner: The Dazzlings
- Friheten Rainbooms vs. Cecil and the Illusions
- Winner: Friheten Rainbooms (forfeited to Cecil and the Illusions as Princess Aulia's wish)
- The Dazzlings vs. Cecil and the Illusions
- Winner: Undetermined
Other depictions
The Presidential Music Event and its participating competitors are featured in two live-action Rainbow Rocks music videos that use a rock version of the Helping Luna win the Moon Sphere song.
- Main course