Extension:Math/Native MathML/Reported Cases
Some reported cases. Vesion on Beta https://en.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org/wiki/Extension:Math/Native_MathML/Reported_Cases
editNumber | LaTex | Rendering | Notes |
1a | \text{let}\ {n \to +\infty} |
T377057 spaces needed here | |
1b | \lim_{n\to +\infty}\left(1+\frac 1n\right)^n |
T377057 Too much space around operators when used in limits in MathML mode | |
2 | \lim_{n \to +\infty}\frac{\sqrt{2\pi n} }{n!}\left(\frac{n}{e}\right)^n = 1 |
T375935 The factorial symbol ! should be upright, it is sloping in Clients-side mathjax mode. | |
3 | \det(A)=\sum_{\sigma\in S_n} e(\sigma)\prod_{i=1}^n a_{i,\sigma_i} |
T375907 \sum_condition puts condition in the in wrong position in MathML and client-side MathJax modes | |
4a | \textstyle \int\limits_{-N}^{N} e^x dx |
T375349 \int_a^b limits in incorrect position in MathML mode. | |
4b | \textstyle \int_{-N}^{N} e^x dx |
4c | \displaystyle \int\limits_{-N}^{N} e^x dx |
4d | \displaystyle \int_{-N}^{N} e^x dx |
4e | \int\limits_{1}^{3}\frac{e^3/x}{x^2}\, dx |
4f | \int_{1}^{3}\frac{e^3/x}{x^2}\, dx |
4h | \int\limits_{1}^{3}\frac{\frac{e^3}{x} }{\frac{x^2}{5} }\, dx |
4i | \int_{1}^{3}\frac{\frac{e^3}{x} }{\frac{x^2}{5} }\, dx |
5a | \begin{align} \frac{dy}{du} &= f'(u) = e^u, \\ \frac{du}{dv} &= g'(v) = \cos v, \\ \frac{dv}{dx} &= h'(x) = 2x. \end{align} |
T375317 \align aligns fields in the centre rather that on the left in MathML mode | |
5b | \begin{align} z & = a \\ f(x,y,z) & = x + y + z \end{align} |
5c | f(n) = \begin{cases} n/2, & \text{if }n\text{ is even} \\ 3n+1, & \text{if }n\text{ is odd} \end{cases} |
5d | \begin{align} a&=b & c&=d & e&=f\\ aa&=bb & cc&=dd & ee&=ff\\ aaa&=bbb & ccc&=ddd & eee&=fff \end{align} |
5e | \begin{align} x&=y & X&=Y & a&=b+c\\ x'&=y' & X'&=Y' & a'&=b\\ x+x'&=y+y' & X+X'&=Y+Y' & a'b&=c'b \end{align} |
6a Done | \begin{align} \frac{dy}{du} &= f'(u) = e^u, \\[6pt] \frac{du}{dv} &= g'(v) = \cos v, \\[6pt] \frac{dv}{dx} &= h'(x) = 2x. \end{align} |
T375295 \begin{align} with font sizes specified show font size annotation [6pt] in MathML mode | |
6b | \begin{align} \varpi &= [2,1,1,1,1,1,4,1,2,\ldots], \\[8mu] 2\varpi &= [5,4,10,2,1,2,3,29,\ldots], \\[5mu] \frac{\varpi}{2} &= [1,3,4,1,1,1,5,2,\ldots], \\[2mu] \frac{\varpi}{\pi} &= [0,1,5,21,3,4,14,\ldots]. \end{align} |
7a | a\operatorname{sn}b |
T375861 a\operatorname{sn}b rendered with no spaces before and after operator in MathML mode | |
7b | a(\operatorname{sn}(b)), a[\operatorname{sn}[b]], a\{\operatorname{sn}\{b\}\} |
no space need here | |
7c | \operatorname{G}(V, g) |
no space need here | |
8a | \displaystyle\sum_{n\in\mathbb{Z} } |
T375907 \sum_condition puts condition in the in wrong position in MathML and client-side MathJax modes | |
8b | \displaystyle\prod_{n\in\mathbb{Z} } |
8b | \displaystyle\prod_{n\in\mathbb{Z} }^{n\ne 5} |
with superscript rendered below | |
8c | \sum_{n>k} R \quad \prod_{n>k} P \quad \coprod_{n>k} RR |
8d | \bigcup_{n>k} J \quad \biguplus_{n>k} L \quad \bigcap_{n>k} N |
8e | \bigoplus_{n>k} W \quad \bigotimes_{n>k} V \quad \bigodot_{n>k} F |
8f | \bigvee_{n>k} V \quad \bigwedge_{n>k} W \quad \bigsqcup_{n>k} S |
8g | \int_{n>k} U \quad \oint_{n>k} T \quad \iint_{n>k} S |
Default for integrals is to the side | |
8h | \min_x\ \max_x\ \sup_x\ \inf_x\ \liminf_x |
8i | \lim_x\ \varliminf_x\ \varlimsup_x\ \varinjlim_x\ \varprojlim_x\ \limsup_x\ \injlim_x\ \projlim_x |
8j | \det_x\ \gcd_x\ \Pr_x |
9a Done | \arccot(x), \arccsc(x), \arcsec(x), \sen(x), \sgn(x) |
mediawiki_function_names math functions eat the following paren in native MML mode | |
9b | \arcsin(x), \sin(x) |
9c | \operatorname{arccot}(x), \operatorname{arcsin}(x), \operatorname{sgn}(x), \operatorname{sin}(x) |
10a | B^b |\psi\rangle |
10a | \langle \psi | B^b \quad \lbrace \psi | B^b \quad \lbrack \psi | B^b |
T375959 Use stretchy="false" for \langle and \rangle in MathML mode | |
10b | B^b |\psi\rangle \quad B^b | \psi \rbrace \quad B^b | \psi \rbrack \quad B^b \vert\psi\rangle |
10c | B^b \left|\psi\right\rangle \quad \psi \left|B^b\right\rangle |
Explicitly specifying \left and \right work | |
11a Partially done | \updownarrow \big\updownarrow \Big\updownarrow \bigg\updownarrow \Bigg\updownarrow \dots \Bigg\Updownarrow \bigg\Updownarrow \Big\Updownarrow \big\Updownarrow \Updownarrow |
T375960 \Big/ and \Big\backslash etc are too small in MathML mode. | |
11b | / \big/ \Big/ \bigg/ \Bigg/ \dots \Bigg\backslash \bigg\backslash \Big\backslash \big\backslash \backslash |
Partially works in Firefox, upstream problems in chrome, some have almost zero use case | |
12a | f:X\to Y |
T375974 Colon in f : X \to Y should be an operator in MathML mode. | |
12b | D \And E |
Has more space in LaTeX | |
12c | A \smile B \frown B |
12d | A \therefore B \because B |
12e | B \overset{\underset{\mathrm{def} }{} }{=} B |
12f | A \ulcorner B \urcorner B \llcorner B \lrcorner C |
12g | A \blacktriangle B \blacktriangledown B |
12h | \forall(\ulcorner\phi\urcorner\in\Sigma^0_n\cup\Pi^0_n) \implies\mathrm{Tr}_n(\ulcorner\phi(y_0,\ldots,y_n)^*\urcorner)) |
en:Reflection principle | |
13 Done | \|A\|, D(p\|q) |
\| should render as a double pipe || rather than a single one |. In MathML and Client-side MathJax modes. | |
14 Done | q(v)=|v|^2\quad q(v)=\|v\|^2 \quad q(v)=\|v\|_A |
Vertical alignment of pipes with superscripts wrong in mathml mode | |
15 | \cancel{y} |
\cancel{y} the strike is not visable in native mathml mode | |
16 Done | \begin{array}{lcr} z & = & a \\ f(x,y,z) & = & x + y + z \end{array} |
\begin{array}{lcr} does not respect the optional alignment argument in MathML mode | |
17 | \frac{x}{x}\quad\frac{x}{y}\quad\frac{x}{l}\quad\frac{x}{2}\quad\frac{x}{x}\quad\frac{y}x\quad\frac{l}x\quad\frac{2}x |
Bad spacing for fractions with Safari in MathML mode | |
18 |
<math>\cfrac{x}{1 + \cfrac{\cancel{y}}{\cancel{y}}} = \cfrac{x}{2}</math>
z & = & a \\
f(x,y,z) & = & x + y + z
MediaWiki MathML:
MathJax SVG:
Formula in separate paragraphs displayed on the same line in Safari on Mac OS in MathML mode |
19a | \lim_{n\to +\infty}\left(1+\frac 1n\right)^n |
Too much space around operators when used in limits in MathML mode | |
19b | \text{let}\ {n \to +\infty} |
More space used when not in a script | |
20 Done | \mathfrak{ABCDEFGHI} |
T378433} \mathfrak{ABCDEFGHI} appears as normal type in MathML mode on Chrome on Windows. Still broken for MathJax |
edit12c | A + B - C \pm D \mp E \dotplus F |
12d | A \times B \div C \divideontimes D / E \backslash F |
12e | A\cdot B * C \ast D \star E \circ F \bullet G |
12f | A \boxplus B \boxminus C \boxtimes D \boxdot E |
12g | A \oplus B \ominus C \otimes D \oslash E \odot F |
12h | A \circleddash B \circledcirc C \circledast D |
12i | A \in B \notin A \not\in B \ni B \not\ni C |
12j | A \cap B \Cap B \sqcap B \bigcap C |
12k | A \cup B \Cup B \sqcup B \bigcup B \bigsqcup B \uplus B \biguplus C |
12l | A \setminus B \smallsetminus B \times C |
12m | A \subset B \Subset B \sqsubset C |
12n | A \supset B \Supset B \sqsupset C |
12o | A \subseteq B \nsubseteq B \subsetneq B \varsubsetneq B \sqsubseteq C |
12p | A \supseteq B \nsupseteq B \supsetneq B \varsupsetneq B \sqsupseteq C |
12q | A \subseteqq B \nsubseteqq B \subsetneqq B \varsubsetneqq C |
12r | A \supseteqq B \nsupseteqq B \supsetneqq B \varsupsetneqq C |
12s | A = B \ne B \neq B \equiv B \not\equiv C |
12t | A \doteq B \doteqdot B \overset{\underset{\mathrm{def} }{} }{=} B := C |
12u | A \sim B \nsim B \backsim B \thicksim B \simeq B \backsimeq B \eqsim B \cong B \ncong C |
12v | A \approx B \thickapprox B \approxeq B \asymp B \propto B \varpropto C |
12w | A < B \nless B \ll B \not\ll B \lll B \not\lll B \lessdot C |
12x | A > B \ngtr B \gg B \not\gg B \ggg B \not\ggg B \gtrdot C |
12y | A \le B \leq B \lneq B \leqq B \nleq B \nleqq B \lneqq B \lvertneqq C |
12z | A \ge B \geq B \gneq B \geqq B \ngeq B \ngeqq B \gneqq B \gvertneqq C |
12aa | A \lessgtr B \lesseqgtr B \lesseqqgtr B \gtrless B \gtreqless B \gtreqqless C |
12ab | A \leqslant B \nleqslant B \eqslantless C |
12ac | A \geqslant B \ngeqslant B \eqslantgtr C |
12ad | A \lesssim B \lnsim B \lessapprox B \lnapprox C |
12ae | A \gtrsim B \gnsim B \gtrapprox B \gnapprox C |
12af | A \prec B \nprec B \preceq B \npreceq B \precneqq C |
12ag | A \succ B \nsucc B \succeq B \nsucceq B \succneqq C |
12ah | A \preccurlyeq B \curlyeqprec C |
12ai | A \succcurlyeq B \curlyeqsucc C |
12aj | A \precsim B \precnsim B \precapprox B \precnapprox C |
12ak | A \succsim B \succnsim B \succapprox B \succnapprox C |
12al | A \parallel B \nparallel B \shortparallel B \nshortparallel C |
12am | A \perp B \angle B \sphericalangle B \measuredangle B 45^\circ C |
12an | A \Box B \square B \blacksquare B \diamond B \Diamond B \lozenge B \blacklozenge B \bigstar C |
12ao | A \bigcirc B \triangle B \bigtriangleup B \bigtriangledown C |
12ap | A \vartriangle B \triangledown C |
12aq | A \blacktriangle B \blacktriangledown B \blacktriangleleft B \blacktriangleright C |
12ar | A \forall B \exists B \nexists C |
12as | A \therefore B \because B \And C |
12at | A \lor B \vee B \curlyvee B \bigvee C |
12au | A \land B \wedge B \curlywedge B \bigwedge C |
12av | A \lnot B \neg B \not\operatorname{R} B \bot B \top C |
12aw | A \vdash B \dashv B \vDash B \Vdash B \models C |
12ax | A \Vvdash B \nvdash B \nVdash B \nvDash B \nVDash C |
12ay | A \ulcorner B \urcorner B \llcorner B \lrcorner C |
12az | A \Rrightarrow B \Lleftarrow C |
12ba | A \Rightarrow B \nRightarrow B \Longrightarrow B \implies C |
12bb | A \Leftarrow B \nLeftarrow B \Longleftarrow C |
12bc | A \Leftrightarrow B \nLeftrightarrow B \Longleftrightarrow B \iff C |
12bd | A \Uparrow B \Downarrow B \Updownarrow C |
12be | A \rightarrow B \to B \nrightarrow B \longrightarrow C |
12bf | A \leftarrow B \gets B \nleftarrow B \longleftarrow C |
12bg | A \leftrightarrow B \nleftrightarrow B \longleftrightarrow C |
12bh | A \uparrow B \downarrow B \updownarrow C |
12bi | A \nearrow B \swarrow B \nwarrow B \searrow C |
12bj | A \mapsto B \longmapsto C |
12bk | A \rightharpoonup B \rightharpoondown B \leftharpoonup B \leftharpoondown B \upharpoonleft B \upharpoonright C \downharpoonleft C |- C |
12bl | A \downharpoonright B \rightleftharpoons B \leftrightharpoons C |
12bm | A \curvearrowleft B \circlearrowleft B \Lsh B \upuparrows B \rightrightarrows B \rightleftarrows B \rightarrowtail B \looparrowright C |
12bn | A \curvearrowright B \circlearrowright B \Rsh B \downdownarrows B \leftleftarrows B \leftrightarrows B \leftarrowtail B \looparrowleft C |
12bo | A \hookrightarrow B \hookleftarrow B \multimap B \leftrightsquigarrow B \rightsquigarrow B \twoheadrightarrow B \twoheadleftarrow C |
12bp | A \amalg B \P B \S B \% B \dagger B \ddagger B \ldots B \cdots B \vdots B \ddots C |
12bq | A \smile B \frown B \wr B \triangleleft B \triangleright C |
12br | A \diamondsuit B \heartsuit B \clubsuit B \spadesuit B \Game B \flat B \natural B \sharp C |
12bs | A \diagup B \diagdown B \centerdot B \ltimes B \rtimes B \leftthreetimes B \rightthreetimes C |
12bt | A \eqcirc B \circeq B \triangleq B \bumpeq B \Bumpeq B \doteqdot B \risingdotseq B \fallingdotseq C |
12bu | A \intercal B \barwedge B \veebar B \doublebarwedge B \between B \pitchfork C |
12bv | A \vartriangleleft B \ntriangleleft B \vartriangleright B \ntriangleright C |
12bw | A \trianglelefteq B \ntrianglelefteq B \trianglerighteq B \ntrianglerighteq C |
12c | A \mid B \smile C \frown D \in E \ni F \vdash G \dashv H \models J \propto K |
Other binary relations |