
This page is a translated version of the page Manual:$wgUploadThumbnailRenderMethod and the translation is 40% complete.
Miniature indstillinger: $wgUploadThumbnailRenderMethod
The method through which the thumbnails will be prerendered for the entries in $wgUploadThumbnailRenderMap.
Introduced in version:1.25.3 (Gerrit change 157157; git #623d7789)
Removed in version:Still in use
Allowed values:(streng)
Default value:'jobqueue'


The method through which the thumbnails will be prerendered for the entries in $wgUploadThumbnailRenderMap .

Denne metode kan være enten "http" eller "jobqueue". The former uses an http request to hit the thumbnail's URL. This method only works if thumbnails are configured to be rendered by a 404 handler. The latter option uses the job queue to render the thumbnail.

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