
Available from version 1.24.0
Occurs after signing up or logging in, allows for interception of redirect.
Define function:
public static function onPostLoginRedirect( &$returnTo, &$returnToQuery, &$type ) { ... }
Attach hook: In extension.json:
	"Hooks": {
		"PostLoginRedirect": "MediaWiki\\Extension\\MyExtension\\Hooks::onPostLoginRedirect"
Called from: File(s): specials/helpers/LoginHelper.php, specials/SpecialUserLogin.php
Interface: PostLoginRedirectHook.php

For more information about attaching hooks, see Manual:Hooks .
For examples of extensions using this hook, see Category:PostLoginRedirect extensions.

Called after logging in or signing up through the web interface.

Login and signup links will usually set the &returnto=... and &returntoquery=... URL parameters so that after login / signup the user can be returned to where they were. These values are provided to this hook before redirecting, allowing extensions to change the return _target to a particular welcome page or to provide an extra query string parameter.

Extensions that change the return _target should pass the original $returnTo and $returnToQuery values to the _target page, which should redirect the user to the original return _target once it does whatever it needs to do. This is necessary for compatibility with other extensions depending on the return _target for their functionality, e.g. OAuth. Alternatively, you might only change the return _target after detecting a custom URL parameter provided by your extension's own workflow.


  • $returnTo: The page name to return to, as a string
  • $returnToQuery: array of url parameters, mapping parameter names to values
  • $type: type of login redirect as string, which can be one of:
    • error: display a return to link ignoring $wgRedirectOnLogin
    • signup: display a return to link using $wgRedirectOnLogin if needed (used after signup)
    • success: display a return to link using $wgRedirectOnLogin if needed
    • successredirect: send an HTTP redirect using $wgRedirectOnLogin if needed

See also

  • UserLoggedIn - a hook that always runs after login, regardless of whether it's done via web or API
  • CentralAuthPostLoginRedirect - the replacement for this hook when using CentralAuth (which needs to set its own returnto parameters to do central login, returns to the _target provided via CentralAuthPostLoginRedirect after central login is done)
languages 2
os 11
text 2
web 2