Previous Action Items
- Ramsey: Adopt a feature-specific meeting for the next major milestone [carried forward]
- Re-factor front-end stuff after CAT is done and released (probably November)
- Matthias to go through the buffet of To-Do tickets and find interesting things to work on DONE
Possible future special retros
- Work on "solutioning backlog" from offsite
- Look at "not in our control" for opportunities:
- Review action items progress
- Eric:
- Onboarding docs for our extensions
- Where should it live? On wiki? In code repo(s)?
- Big onboarding page
- Eric and Anne w/Mark on onboarding:
- Q: Who owns the docs?
- Onboaring buddy and new person should update the docs
- 3 month assignment
- Max B to annoy people
- Set a realistic _target for test coverage (80%?) and enforce it
- Add tests with new features
- Work with Kosta about new tool
- Leverage library that RW team is doing
- Replace unit tests with integration tests to make better use of our remaining 2 months
- Discuss testing strategy at next offsite (e.g. is this the foundation of something future people with use?)
- Possibly set different test coverage _target
- MM: IMO, we're good, no more testing coverage needed
- move testing discussion to #sd-eng slack
- Create/update this page to facilitate regular contribution to it and start a tutorial for getting involved with Wikibase
- Monte to guinea pig
- We need to share our knowledge for future folks
- Month or two at the end of the year when development has slowed
Get better alignment with the Technology department by...
Occasionally attending Docker SIG
Regularly attending to Front-end Standards SIG
- Iteratively improve QA challenges by...
Chatting with Edward about low hanging fruit for testing
- Chatting with Monte about how iOS uses some automation that makes visual regressions easier to catch
- Exploring Storybook
- Another thing to do in last month
- Pam:
- Design documentation
- First step: research how other teams do this
- Include designs and user testing steps in tickets [Pam]
- Design masters rather than separate pieces here and there
- Add Laszlo’s relationship to/experience with Wikidata to deck (there is a placeholder for this in the slides already)
- Talk to a few Laszlos
- Steward conversation with Keegan:
- I’d like to have more of a focus on demonstrating to Commonists that 1) this is what we heard, 2) this is what we’re changing and 3) this is what we’re not changing. I think it gets lost in convo threads when it could be a separate page on the Structured Data on Commons area. Design docs can live there too as a part of this and I can update there (or on Mediawiki when more final?... still figuring that out: what should live on which wiki).
- Ramsey:
Post-launch doc-a-thon
Ramsey w/Max: Include testing in acceptance criteria
- Matthias:
Chat more in (team) public
- dev specific slack! #sd-eng
- Cormac w/Matthias (Los Euros Devs)
Become The Wikibase Experts
Monitor mailing list, explore chore option if we go that route
Knowledge share: attend WMDE office hours and report back to team
Attend technical advice IRC and hangout and ask questions
- Max:
“Needs discussion”/”WTF” Phabricator column/tag
Nothing came of thread
- Chore list?
Experimented with Cormac
- Max B to expand chore wheel to all devs incl mark
Check if ticket templates have acceptance criteria and add if not
Schedule post-feature-launch doc-a-thon for Other Statements, use Thursday, August 1 Standup/Retro slot plus the hour prior
Move this back, as needed by the launch
- Amanda:
(stop cancelling the) Story meeting
w/Ramsey and Pam: Some kind of not huge thing but followup survey to _targeted users (Laszlo) about their relationship to wikidata, expectations therein, etc
Did not do this, but got some crude numbers instead from commonists, and made this irrelevant
Fly some WMDE folks to SF adjacent to All Hands or to the Nov offsite to do some hacking
Start looking into who, what specific work/why, logistics with budget holders and travel (3 months in advance is the deadline for planning)\
- Ask WMDE about All Hands for meeting 2.0
Try to make sure stub tickets get fleshed out (possibly brought to story meeting), tickets that are in a state of “chewing on ideas” called out explicitly on the ticket, and any conversations or decisions made around shift in direction also get documented on tickets.
- Amanda tried but other things took over her life.
- Hiring someone going forward
- Tix have also just generally been decent since this action item
- Mark:
(got lost somehow) “office hours” chat period
Onboarding is confusing
Explore using non-OOUI stuff in experimental/prototype situation
Testing: Formal test rotation
- Iteratively improve QA challenges by...
Talking with Edward about if/when (major) releases are less frequent, QA resources would be freed up to automate currently manual QA and that would give us more coverage
- Code health is poor
- I wonder if we should make Cormac steward this one since he managed to avoid all action item assignments!
- Get better alignment with the Technology department by...
- Asking Corey about what happened to the prod-tech working group
Action Items
- Ramsey: Adopt a feature-specific meeting for the next major milestone [carried forward]
- Re-factor front-end stuff after CAT is done and released (probably November)