Extension:Semantic Signup

MediaWiki extensions manual
Release status: unmaintained
Implementation Special page , Tag , Parser function
Description Lets you add additional fields to the user registration form, which get placed on the new users' user page, as well as stored semantically.
Author(s) Diamat and others
Latest version 1.0.0 (2015-02-07)
MediaWiki 1.17+
PHP 5.3+
Database changes No
Composer mediawiki/semantic-signup
License GNU General Public License 3.0 or later
‎<signupfields />

The SemanticSignup extension lets you add additional fields to the user registration form, which get placed on the new users' user page, as well as stored semantically. When a user goes to register, they are redirected to the SemanticSignup special page, where, in addition to the usual account data, they are given additional fields to enter, via a form defined using the Semantic Forms extension. When the form is submitted, the standard account information is used to register the new user account, while the additional data is used to populate the user's new user page, at User:username.

Installation and requirements


Installation is done using Composer. See the instructions in the README file.

Configuration and usage


See the instructions in the CONFIGURATION file

composer 2
languages 2
Note 1
os 3
text 2
Users 4