Topic on Project:Support desk/Flow

IE users being redirected to Fundraising after upgrade to 1.17.0

9 (talkcontribs)

All users attempting to access our intranet-only wiki (sorry, cannot give you a link) with IE7, IE8, or IE9 are being redirected immediately to: wmf:Fundraising. Firefox* and Chrome* users are able to access this wiki with no issue.

This started occurring Monday after I upgraded from 1.13.3 to 1.17.0.

{{wikitable !Product!Version |- |MediaWiki|1.17.0 |- |PHP|5.2.17 |- |MySQL|5.0.37 |}}

There is no easily searchable correction for this, but information alluding to some IE6 security issue.

jcampbell at keithley dot com (talkcontribs)

Ugh, I always mess up wikitable syntax.

Product Version
MediaWiki 1.17.0
PHP 5.2.17
MySQL 5.0.37

Still jcampbell (talkcontribs)

It's narrowed down to something in $mediaWiki->performRequestForTitle() or $mediaWiki->finalCleanup(). Either or both being uncommented from the index.php causes the issue. (talkcontribs)

I found a hack that gets my users up and running again, though a real fix/problem root cause is still on my to-do list.

I commented out line #71 in Wiki.php. The context is in the function performRequestForTitle, IE users (but not Firefox nor Chrome users) are falling through the first if statement that checks if the output of initializeArticle() is an object, falling into to elseif is string, and being redirected.

Still jcampbell at keithley dot com, just operating at normal speed after a day of speed hacking. (talkcontribs)

Grrr ... that hack managed to break itself in under 15 minutes.

Thorncrag (talkcontribs)
JulieC (talkcontribs)

Nope, but I did find the issue. There was an old IE6 security check in the MediaWiki:Common.js file. If wgUserName was NULL, it redirected to a tiny page it created. The page was one sentence including a link to fundraising.

I commented out the hook, which was commented:

/** IE 6 Z-index bug workaround for anonnotice **************************
  *  Description: This implements a work around for the Z-index bug found in Internet Explorer.
  *               It correctly places the anon notice on the page, even under IE6.
  *               See this Google search for more information about the bug:
  *  Created by: User:Gmaxwell

I'm pretty certain that nobody here uses IE6 anymore. Though I can't tell my managers/directors what browser to use, it is well within my realm of responsibility to tell them to upgrade that browser if they are that far behind.

Thank you for looking!

Thorncrag (talkcontribs)

Hmm, if you are referring to your wiki's page titled "MediaWiki:Common.js" -- that page is by default not loaded with any javascript. So, if that was on your page, I have no idea how it would have gotten there. You might want to check the page's revision history to see when/why it was added and by whom.

Platonides (talkcontribs)

Copied from en.wikipedia

That excerpt was removed from enwiki Common.js in November 2008

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