

edit is a service created by Wikimedia Deutschland and hosted in Germany. All the sites we host fall under Germany's Telemedia Act, which among other things requires websites to have a legally conforming imprint.

What is an imprint?


In this context an imprint, or impressum, is a legally mandated statement of ownership and authorship that must be displayed on websites and that contains information about the site's publisher.

How do I create a conforming imprint?


It's the responsibility of each site manager to understand and fulfill the requirements of the law. Below is a list of sites which we provide for your reference without any guarantee of accuracy.

What if I already have an imprint that applies?


If you have an imprint on another site which applies in every detail to your Wikibase site, you can link to that imprint instead of making a copy.

An offsite imprint you link to must mention that it applies to your Wikibase site, and the site domain of your Wikibase site must appear in the text of that offsite imprint.

Example: At the bottom of the homepage is an "Impressum" link that takes you to -- at the bottom of that page you'll see a list of sites ("Telemedien") to which that imprint also applies.

Where do I put my imprint?


The contents of the imprint need to appear on your wiki's About page:


On your Wikibase instance, click the underlined link to navigate to the page that should contain the imprint.

Project 1