DescriptionI Gusti Ayu Bintang Darmawati Istri Menkop.jpg
Bahasa Indonesia: Kunjungan Istri kemenkop dan UKM RI AA Puspayoga untuk yang ke 3 kalinya ke KLU . didampingi Kadiskop UKM NTB H.lalu Saswadi, tadi pagi ke Desa Akar-akar Kec bayan membuka Diklat kewirausahaan mengolah singkong dan batang pisang jadi keripik,bijian jadi cemilan dan mengayam ketak. diklat bagi kaum ibu-ibu dan Bapak-bapak korban gempa ini dibuka langsung oleh Ibu I Gusti Ayu Bintang Darmawati Puspayoga. dalam kesempatan itu juga diserahkan bantuan berupa tas dan buku sekolah bagi siswa siswi di desa akar-akar..
English: The visit of Kemenkop's wife and UKM RI AA Puspayoga for the third time to KLU. accompanied by Kadiskop UKM NTB H.lalu Saswadi, this morning to the village of Akar-roots Kec bayan opened an entrepreneurship education and training process cassava and banana stems into chips, grains became snacks and tasted clam. training for mothers and fathers of earthquake victims was opened by Mrs. I Gusti Ayu Bintang Darmawati Puspayoga. On that occasion also handed over assistance in the form of bags and school books for students in the villages of the roots ...
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