13 July 1877Gregorian
1 reference
Norman Evelyn Leslie, 19th Earl of Rothes
9 October 2017
29 March 1927Gregorian
1 reference
Norman Evelyn Leslie, 19th Earl of Rothes
9 October 2017
19 April 1900Gregorian
2 references
Norman Evelyn Leslie, 19th Earl of Rothes
1 reference
7 August 2020
Norman Evelyn Leslie Earl of Rothes (Leslie) 19th (13 Jul 1877 - 19 Mar 1927)
0 references
Wikipedia(3 entries)
- arzwiki نورمان ليزلى
- enwiki Norman Leslie, 19th Earl of Rothes
- ruwiki Лесли, Норман Эвелин, 19-й граф Роутс