

Roman Catholic Diocese of Verona

diocese of the Catholic Church in Italy

  • Diocese of Verona
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In a document sent to the weekly news magazine L'Espresso, details of which were published on 22 January, 67 ex-pupils chronicled sexual abuse allegedly perpetrated by priests and brothers belonging to the Compagnia di Maria per l'Educazione dei Sordomuti. They claim the abuse took place over a period of at least 30 years up to 1984.In a statement issued after the article came out, the bishop of Verona, Giuseppe Zenti, said that, if the allegations proved to be true, they would represent a "lacerating wound" for all Christians. He promised an exhaustive investigation, but at the same time hinted that they were being used for the purposes of extortion. (English)
In one notable case, in 2010, Vatican investigators looked into reports of abuses at the Antonio Provolo Institute, a Catholic school for the deaf in Verona.Alessandro Vantini was 6 when he arrived at the Provolo in the 1950s. Now 68, he says he was repeatedly abused by priests there. He remembers calling for help once, to no avail: “We were deaf, no one could hear us.”“I cried,” he said. “I felt dead.” (English)
Corradi, the school’s spiritual director, had a decades-long career, first in his native Italy and later in Argentina. In Italy, he was accused of molesting deaf children at a Provolo institute in Verona. His name appeared in the sworn statements of 15 former students of that school, who accused 24 priests and other faculty members of abuse. (English)
Roman Catholic Diocese of Verona


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