User:Christian Ferrer
Babel user information | ||||
| ||||
Users by language |
- Marine flora and fauna of the northeastern United States. Echinodermata: Echinoidea (Q129811416)
- Marine invertebrates associated with rhodoliths/maërl beds from northeast Brazil (State of Paraíba) (Q111515954)
- Echinodermata associated to rhodoliths from Seixas Beach, State of Paraíba, Northeast Brazil (Q107289923)
- A descriptive monograph of Japanese asteroidea (Q51394950) →
- Report on the holothurians collected by the United States Fisheries steamer Albatross in the northwestern Pacific during the summer of 1906 (Q56207471) →
- The type specimens of extant asteroids (Echinodermata) in the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle of Paris (Q116910357)
- Cheilosia (Diptera, Syrphidae: Rhingiini) of Nepal with descriptions of 29 new species (Q114724992) p. 103
- Order Euryalida (Echinodermata, Ophiuroidea), new species and new records from the South China Sea and the Northwest Pacific seamounts (Q111474343)
- Three species of the shallow-water comatulids from Okinawa Island, new records in Japan(Crinoidea: Comatulida) (Q89899309)
- Report on the crinoids collected from the Nansei Islands, southern Japan, during a cruise of the training vessel Toyoshio Maru in 1999 (Crinoidea) (Q89899319)
- Shallow-water Comatulids (Echinodermata: Crinoidea) from Ambon and Lombok Islands, Indonesia (Q113223086)
- Interactive identification key to all brittle star families (Echinodermata; Ophiuroidea) leads to revised morphological descriptions (Q111474563)
- Temporary expansion to shelf depths rather than an onshore-offshore trend: the shallow-water rise and demise of the modern deep-sea brittle star family Ophiacanthidae (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) (Q42274487)
- New insights gained from museum collections: Deep-sea barnacles (Crustacea, Cirripedia, Thoracica) in the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, collected during the Karubar expedition in 1991 (Q101085472)
- Systematic revision of the genus Isodacrys Sharp, 1911 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae: Tanymecini) (Q102068066)
- Contributions to the natural history of the Isopoda (Q56205336) → p. 79
- Subpages
- Aporocidaria (Q773930) → obvious mispelling of → Aporocidaris (Q18605968)
- ALEC (A List of Everything Cool)
- Index of Living and Fossil Echinoids 1924-1970 (Q106032144)
- Classification méthodique et genera des échinides vivants et fossiles (Q105997291)
- An account of the deep sea holothurioidea collected by the Royal Indian Marine Survey ship Investigator (Q51424167) → plates
- Échinides Crétacés de la Bakony (Q105941541) → p. 160
- A preliminary synopsis of the Asteriidae, a family of sea-stars (Q61851558) → p. 256
- Johann Heinrich Linck (Q86317)
Sitelinks from synonyms (archive in Wikimedia Commons)
example of taxon synonym : Rhodocybe nitellina (Q10434744)
- Examples of type specimens:
- Exemple of a taxon that is currently accepted under the original combination and not under a new combination:
editType specimens of Echinodermata in the MNHN
editSELECT distinct ?stype ?stypeLabel ?collec ?collecLabel ?role ?de ?deLabel {
service <> {
select ?stype ?stypeLabel ?collec ?collecLabel ?role ?de ?roleLabel ?deLabel {
?stype wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q51255340
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
optional {
?stype wdt:P195 ?collec .
?stype p:P2868 [ps:P2868 ?role ; pq:P642 ?de] .
values ?collec {
?de wdt:P171* wd:Q44631
Images of type specimens stored in the Auckland Museum and in the Te Papa Tongarewa
SELECT ?file ?image ?stype ?stypeLabel ?collec ?collecLabel ?role ?roleLabel ?de ?deLabel
with {
select ?stype ?stypeLabel ?collec ?collecLabel ?role ?de ?roleLabel ?deLabel {
service <> {
select ?stype ?stypeLabel ?collec ?collecLabel ?role ?de ?roleLabel ?deLabel {
?stype wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q51255340
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
optional {
?stype wdt:P195 ?collec .
?stype p:P2868 [ps:P2868 ?role ; pq:P642 ?de] .
values ?collec {
wd:Q16949336 # Auckland Institute and Museum
wd:Q915603 # Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
} as %types
?file wdt:P180 ?stype ; schema:contentUrl ?url .
bind(iri(concat("", replace(substr(str(?url),53),"_","%20"))) AS ?image) .
#?file wdt:P180 wd:Q105607273 .
include %types
Items that have a reference for taxon name marked as recombination but are missing basionym and original combination
editSELECT ?item ?name ?basionym ?protonym WHERE
?item wdt:P225 ?name .
?item p:P225 ?statement .
?statement prov:wasDerivedFrom ?refnode .
?refnode pr:P248 ?ref .
?refnode pr:P6184 wd:Q14594740 .
OPTIONAL {?item wdt:P566 ?basionym }
OPTIONAL {?item wdt:P1403 ?protonym }
FILTER(!bound(?basionym) && !bound(?protonym))
ORDER BY ?name
Taxa with Plazi IDs as a qualifiers for references
editSELECT DISTINCT ?PlaziID ?PlaziID_URL ?publication ?publicationLabel ?referenceHasRole ?referenceHasRoleLabel ?item ?itemLabel
{?item p:P225 ?statement .
?statement prov:wasDerivedFrom ?reference .
?reference pr:P1992 ?PlaziID
BIND(IRI(CONCAT("",?PlaziID)) as ?PlaziID_URL)
OPTIONAL { ?item p:P225 ?statement .
?statement prov:wasDerivedFrom ?reference .
?reference pr:P248 ?publication.
OPTIONAL { ?item p:P225 ?statement .
?statement prov:wasDerivedFrom ?reference .
?reference pr:P248 ?publication.
?reference pr:P6184 ?referenceHasRole}
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" . }
order by ?itemLabel
All the articles published in Zookeys within the year 2018 and showing potential categories in Wikimedia Commons
editSELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?date ?commonscat ?commonssitelink WHERE {
?item wdt:P1433 wd:Q219980; wdt:P577 ?date; wdt:P31 wd:Q13442814 .
FILTER(YEAR(?date) = 2018) .
OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P373 ?commonscat }
OPTIONAL { ?commonssitelink schema:about ?item; schema:isPartOf <> }
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language 'en' }
} ORDER BY ASC(?date)
Echinodermata taxa
editSELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?rankLabel
?item wdt:P171/wdt:P171* wd:Q44631.
?item wdt:P105 ?rank.
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
} order by ?rankLabel ?itemLabel
Echinodermata subgenera
editSELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?rankLabel
?item wdt:P171/wdt:P171* wd:Q44631.
?item wdt:P105 ?rank.
?item wdt:P105 wd:Q3238261.
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
} order by ?rankLabel ?itemLabel
Images in Wikimedia Commons depicting items of type specimens
SELECT ?file ?image ?stype ?stypeLabel ?collec ?collecLabel ?role ?roleLabel ?de ?deLabel
with {
select ?stype ?stypeLabel ?collec ?collecLabel ?role ?de ?roleLabel ?deLabel {
service <> {
select ?stype ?stypeLabel ?collec ?collecLabel ?role ?de ?roleLabel ?deLabel {
?stype wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q51255340
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
optional {
?stype wdt:P195 ?collec .
?stype p:P2868 [ps:P2868 ?role ; pq:P642 ?de] .
#remove the # below to specify one or more collections
#values ?collec {
# wd:Q122945 # example with the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History
#?de wdt:P171* wd:Q15711568 . # choose a taxon whose types are sought, including the types of its sub-taxa
} as %types
?file wdt:P180 ?stype ; schema:contentUrl ?url .
bind(iri(concat("", replace(substr(str(?url),53),"_","%20"))) AS ?image) .
#?file wdt:P180 wd:Q105607273 .
include %types
To check
editSELECT distinct ?item ?itemLabel ?taxon_name ?derived ?derivedLabel WITH { SELECT ?cand ?tname ?label
VALUES ?tname {"Antipathes hypnoides"} .
BIND(STRLANG(?tname,"en") as ?label)
{?cand wdt:P225 ?tname . }
{?cand rdfs:label ?label . }
} } as %i
?cand wdt:P225 ?taxonname .
BIND(STRLANG(?taxonname,"en") as ?label2)
{?item wdt:P225 ?tname . }
{?item rdfs:label ?label . }
{?item wdt:P225 ?taxonname . }
{?item rdfs:label ?label2 . }
} } as %j
?item p:P225 ?stat .
?stat prov:wasDerivedFrom/pr:P248 ?derived.
?stat ps:P225 ?taxon_name
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
(from Wikidata:Project chat/Archive/2020/05#QuickStatements) Code for [2] and [3] is:
- Q22703892 [tab] P225 [tab] "Sibogaster" [tab] P405 [tab] Q91510 [tab] P574 [tab] +1924-00-00T00:00:00Z/9 [tab] S248 [tab] Q94383917 [tab] S6184 [tab] Q1361864
To create taxa items:
The code below created Qianguimon elongatum (Q100700188) Qianguimon rongxianense (Q100700189) Qianguimon splendidum (Q100700190)
CREATE||LAST|Len|"Qianguimon elongatum"||LAST|Den|"species of crustacean"||LAST|P31|Q16521||LAST|P225|"Qianguimon elongatum"||LAST|P105|Q7432||LAST|P171|Q100605554||LAST|P850|"1062897"||CREATE||LAST|Len|"Qianguimon rongxianense"||LAST|Den|"species of crustacean"||LAST|P31|Q16521||LAST|P225|"Qianguimon rongxianense"||LAST|P105|Q7432||LAST|P171|Q100605554||LAST|P850|"1389612"||CREATE||LAST|Len|"Qianguimon splendidum"||LAST|Den|"species of crustacean"||LAST|P31|Q16521||LAST|P225|"Qianguimon splendidum"||LAST|P105|Q7432||LAST|P171|Q100605554||LAST|P850|"1062898"
As above + author + year + reference (first description)
The code below created Ligia dante (Q101208723) Ligia eleluensis (Q101208724)
CREATE||LAST|Len|"Ligia dante"||LAST|Den|"species of crustacean"||LAST|P31|Q16521||LAST|P225|"Ligia dante"|P405|Q89596299|P574|+2019-00-00T00:00:00Z/9|S248|Q92761099|S6184|Q1361864||LAST|P105|Q7432||LAST|P171|Q148814||LAST|P850|"1460701"||CREATE||LAST|Len|"Ligia eleluensis"||LAST|Den|"species of crustacean"||LAST|P31|Q16521||LAST|P225|"Ligia eleluensis"|P405|Q89596299|P574|+2019-00-00T00:00:00Z/9|S248|Q92761099|S6184|Q1361864||LAST|P105|Q7432||LAST|P171|Q148814||LAST|P850|"1460702"
The code below created
CREATE||LAST|Len|"ZMKU-ANN-0006"||LAST|Den|"holotype of Placobdelloides sirikanchanae"||LAST|P31|Q51255340||LAST|P276|Q57204521||LAST|P195|Q57204521||LAST|P217|"ZMKU-ANN-0006"|P195|Q57204521||LAST|P189|Q133861||LAST|P2868|Q1061403|P642|Q87702777|S248|Q75060070
To create type specimens items:
The code below created USNM E7122 (Q121372596)
CREATE||LAST|Len|"USNM E7122"||LAST|Den|"paratype of Ophiura fisheri"||LAST|P31|Q51255340|S248|Q109207712||LAST|P276|Q148554|S248|Q109207712||LAST|P195|Q148554|S248|Q109207712||LAST|P217|"USNM E7122"|P195|Q148554|S248|Q109207712||LAST|P2699|""||LAST|P2868|Q926578|P642|Q105400462|S248|Q109207712