fr | Cet utilisateur a pour langue maternelle le français. |
This user is a member of the WikiProject France. |
5,196+ |
Universe (Q1)
Earth (Q2)
life (Q3)
death (Q4)
human (Q5)
happiness (Q8)
triskaidekaphobia (Q13)*
Africa (Q15)
Canada (Q16)
Japan (Q17)
South America (Q18)
cheating (Q19)
Norway (Q20)
England (Q21)
Scotland (Q22)
George Washington (Q23)
Jack Bauer (Q24)
Wales (Q25)
Northern Ireland (Q26)
Ireland (Q27)
Hungary (Q28)
Spain (Q29)
United States of America (Q30)
Belgium (Q31)
Luxembourg (Q32)
Finland (Q33)
Sweden (Q34)
Denmark (Q35)
Poland (Q36)
Lithuania (Q37)
Italy (Q38)
Switzerland (Q39)
Austria (Q40)
Greece (Q41)
Douglas Adams (Q42)*
Turkey (Q43)
beer (Q44)
Portugal (Q45)
Europe (Q46)
Asia (Q48)
North America (Q49)
Antarctica (Q51)
Wikipedia (Q52)
Club-Mate (Q53)
All your base are belong to us (Q54)
Netherlands (Q55)
lolcat (Q56)
Never Gonna Give You Up (Q57)
penis (Q58)
PHP (Q59)
New York City (Q60)
Washington, D.C. (Q61)
San Francisco (Q62)
Berlin (Q64)
Los Angeles (Q65)
Boeing (Q66)
Airbus Commercial Aircraft (Q67)
computer (Q68)
Courrendlin (Q69)
Bern (Q70)
Geneva (Q71)
Zurich (Q72)
IRC (Q73)
Breighton (Q74)
Internet (Q75)
Barack Obama (Q76)
Uruguay (Q77)
Basel (Q78)
Egypt (Q79)
Tim Berners-Lee (Q80)
carrot (Q81)
printer (Q82)
MediaWiki (Q83)
London (Q84)
Cairo (Q85)
headache (Q86)
Alexandria (Q87)
Alexandria (Q88)
apple (Q89)
Paris (Q90)
Abraham Lincoln (Q91)
Google (Q95)
Mexico (Q96)
Atlantic Ocean (Q97)
Pacific Ocean (Q98)
California (Q99)
Boston (Q100)
Lopadotemachoselachogaleokranioleipsanodrimhypotrimmatosilphiokarabomelitokatakechymenokichlepikossyphophattoperisteralektryonoptekephalliokigklopeleiolagoiosiraiobaphetraganopterygon (Q101)
pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (Q102)
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (Q103)
Monday (Q105)
space (Q107)
February (Q109)
March (Q110)
Kenya (Q114)
Ethiopia (Q115)
monarch (Q116)
Ghana (Q117)
April (Q118)
May (Q119)
June (Q120)
number of the beast (Q666)*
* : Clin d'œil