User:Magnus Manske/Mix'n'match report/1303

A report for the Mix'n'match tool. This page will be replaced regularly! Please note:

  • If you fix something from this list on Wikidata, please fix it on Mix'n'match as well, if applicable. Otherwise, the error might be re-introduced from there.
  • 'External ID' refers to the IDs in the original (external) catalog; the same as the statement value for the associated property.

identifier for an artist on the Lafonoteca website

Unknown external ID

External ID Item
lucia Lucía (Q440593)
nuevo-mester-de-juglaria Nuevo Mester de Juglaría (Q1219021)
los-diablos Los Diablos (Q1478758)
zarama Zarama (Q3394022)
corcobado Javier Corcobado (Q3394310)
el-palacio-de-linares El Palacio de Linares (Q5822698)
goma Goma (Q5882557)
maria-amelia-pedrerol Maria Amèlia Pedrerol (Q9028843)
zombies Zombies (Q9097753)
javier-fleta Javier Fleta (Q84934610)
ramon-riva Ramón Riva (Q109423244)
los-reactivos Los Reactivos (Q130548235)

Different items for the same external ID

External ID External label Item in Wikidata Item in Mix'n'Match Mix'n'match entry
los-coyotes Los Coyotes Los Coyotes (Q121011883) Coyotes (Q21042029) 52845491

Same item for multiple external IDs in Mix'n'match

Item in Mix'n'Match Mix'n'match entry External ID External label
Xoel López (Q3322469) 52844990 deluxe Deluxe
52846243 xoel-lopez Xoel López
Rosa María Lobo (Q6112207) 52845705 maya Maya
52845957 rosa-mar Rosa Mar
52845958 rosa-maria-lobo Rosa María Lobo
Note 4