Wikidata:Database reports/Constraint violations/P5776
Constraint violations report for Arnet Miner author ID (Discussion, uses, items, changes, related properties): author identifier from the Arnet Miner research database
Data time stamp: (UTC) — Items processed: 1,044
The report is generated based on the settings on Property:P5776#P2302.
Updates overwrite this page. Some may already be fixed since the last update: check RecentChangesLinked.
When incremental dumps and the bot work as planned, items fixed before 07:00 UTC disappear in the next update. The report is not updated if only the item count changes.
The report can include false positives. There is no need to "fix" them.
Data time stamp: (UTC) — Items processed: 1,044
The report is generated based on the settings on Property:P5776#P2302.
Updates overwrite this page. Some may already be fixed since the last update: check RecentChangesLinked.
When incremental dumps and the bot work as planned, items fixed before 07:00 UTC disappear in the next update. The report is not updated if only the item count changes.
The report can include false positives. There is no need to "fix" them.
"Single value" violations
editViolations count: 35
- Eilhard Wiedemann (Q96320): 65d6ef31c136ef1331326422, 65261a6b55b3f8ac4615c2ab
- Raymond Kurzweil (Q298341): 6622adb72173360a690f192e, 53f444d4dabfaee1c0ae67e1
- Le Ly Hayslip (Q446899): 66987c5c38b4b7f192879c8f, 66987c6365d49e43d8c4fa5d
- Fabiola Gianotti (Q983183): 53f42de2dabfaee43ebcb502, 53f460ecdabfaee43ece1198
- Jason Stanley (Q1683995): 561073e645ce1e5962225282, 53f44b93dabfaefedbb28641
- Riem Spielhaus (Q2152199): 53f4363bdabfaee1c0a9cb65, 659bfbb88a47b62da8b713e3, 659bfbb88a47b62da8b713e7, 659bfbb88a47b62da8b713e4, 659bfbb88a47b62da8b713e6
- Nicolas Baverez (Q3340070): 64209299e9191790cc33aea9, 65d588d3c136ef1331bb5911, 53f433efdabfaee1c0a8567c
- Michael Billig (Q9032242): 53f44e41dabfaedd74e0dde7, 53f63c7adabfae4f0564f654, 53f63c7adabfae4f0564f634
- Eric Lean (Q9293728): 53f42b7bdabfaec22b9f9b4a, 53f458d3dabfaedd74e377e0
- Johannes Krause (Q15432346): 65570a8d145e064b7afc4829, 53f38f9edabfae4b34a4cfc6
- Tanja Penter (Q19340475): 65391ba92d216eb0065a4da5, 63af3a2d84ab04bd7fb4417f
- Charlotte Krawczyk (Q21256740): 53f42c1ddabfaeb2acfd71dc, 53f43445dabfaeb1a7bdfcff, 53f42ab7dabfaec22b9ea5b4
- Wolfgang Engel (Q22437994): 56036dd245cedb33961858db, 6379a326f789b382be9b99d4, 659f8ab88a47b62da8bf19b7
- Florence Gaub (Q23059388): 647dd7bb83a5dfdbd56d6985, 658b2ff68a47b674e3f5f59c
- Markus Roth (Q28465966): 5432a5dadabfaeb4c6a95397, 53f4321bdabfaec09f15035c
- Berthold Vogel (Q28719960): 53f3abbcdabfae4b34afb6ef, 65d48f02c136ef1331733aab
- Christoph Herrmann-Lingen (Q43248987): 54893a56dabfaed7b5fa3ac0, 563486b745cedb339b0cb184
- Ekrem Dere (Q50700825): 53f4353bdabfaeecd6955630, 53f45feadabfaee02ad7affc, 5630f7fe45ceb49c5de443f9
- Carol D. von Dohlen (Q51158530): 53f43894dabfaee2a1cfb064, 561a2c5145ce1e59645a7589
- Wolfgang Lehmann (Q56296398): 53f452d3dabfaee02ad4b394, 53f4d307dabfaef205f80727
- Dorian Hanaor (Q59692659): 562b9b4545cedb3398ad17f0, 53f42e15dabfaee2a1c856fe
- Yurdagül Zopf (Q75852500): 53f43bd8dabfaec09f1b0547, 63d8854adf1d768b3c7aa8b1
- Anna Maria Randi (Q88984501): 53f43003dabfaedd74d57cf6, 53f3a8f2dabfae4b34aeaddf
- Olivier Boucherat (Q89762395): 53f447b9dabfaeb22f4c531f, 561c79fc45ce1e5964698ee3
- Stefan Vidal (Q90011991): 53f7f03ddabfae938c6ee12f, 53f3a2fedabfae4b34ac6209
- Philipp Sterzer (Q90296088): 53f449a3dabfaeb22f4cd403, 53f4d3d2dabfaef207f815be
- Qin Zhou (Q90897270): 62e8b795d9f20422f0c1cfc5, 5630746045ceb49c5db8a1ef
- Ekaterina Makhotina (Q95212154): 62e4c1b3d9f204418d72aa17, 64470384e3c28ee84c87339d, 65cf279b8a47b6221925d83e
- Farahnaz Sananbenesi (Q96107989): 53f46ad7dabfaeb22f54ffc1, 562d94bb45ce1e59679a7903
- Martine Lizotte (Q106554937): 53f4d3f4dabfaef20af8141c, 56170c0e45cedb3397bb2464
- Alexander Flügel (Q113342630): 53f43a45dabfaee43ec545d5, 561977c945ce1e596438a09e
- Michael Ghadimi (Q114314675): 53f3b041dabfae4b34b1805a, 53f43e42dabfaee02ad036aa, 5615526f45ce1e59636c840a
- Hein Goemans (Q114999391): 53f46bd3dabfaeb22f553dc3, 53f43a82dabfaedf435a6553
- Gabriela von Lewinski (Q116809763): 562ff8a645ceb49c5d8f5010, 53f45937dabfaefedbb5abc1
- Stormy-Annika Mildner (Q124331302): 637d80c2f789b382beb369ad, 53f42ca9dabfaedce54baa97, 637d80c2f789b382beb369ac
"Unique value" violations
editViolations count: 0
"Format" violations
editViolations count: 7
- Chao Chen (Q82220283): somevalue
- Corinne N Johnson-Hart (Q89125216): corinne-johnson/65c9f84a8a47b621f75b1a00
- Dr Ramesh Singh Pal (Q105392028): pal-ramesh-singh/5618da7045ce1e5964170319
- Gregg N Milligan (Q123965713): gregg-milligan/53f46d40dabfaee02adb0299
- Bernard Gee (Q124714669): j-bernard-l-gee/53f42b79dabfaedd74d19268
- César Amílcar López Bello (Q127736374): cesar-amilcar-lopez-bello/53f45c7ddabfaee1c0b43cd8
- Jacqueline M Cliff (Q131117101): j-cliff/53f4632fdabfaeecd6a009ec
"Entity types" violations
editViolations count: 0
"Scope" violations
editViolations count: 0
"Item instance of (P31) = human (Q5)" violations
editViolations count: 0