Wikidata:Property proposal/personal library at

personal library at


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Person

Descriptioninstitution holding the subject’s personal library
Data typeItem
Domainhuman (Q5)
Allowed valuesorganization (Q43229)
Example 1David Foster Wallace (Q313246) "personal library at" Harry Ransom Center (Q5671855)
Example 2Susan Sontag (Q152824) "personal library at" University of Southern California Libraries (Q7896339)
Example 3Julio Cortázar (Q174210) "personal library at" Fundación Juan March (Q29043218)
Example 4William S. Burroughs (Q188176) "personal library at" Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library (Q72941560)
Example 5Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Q82409) "personal library at" British Library (Q23308)
Example 6Virginia Woolf (Q40909) "personal library at" Washington State University Libraries (Q27991313)
Planned useWill add property to items for human (Q5) for which our repository holds a portion of the personal library
Expected completenessalways incomplete (Q21873886)
See alsoarchives at (P485), has works in the collection (P6379)
Wikidata projectWikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/Harry Ransom Center (Q105936481)



The Wikidata property archives at (P485) allows to link individuals with the institution holding their archival collections, but no such a property exist yet to establish this link with the institution holding all or part of an individual’s personal library. Nevertheless, many Higher Education and Research Libraries Special Collections count with personal libraries of historical figures and notable individuals within their holdings. These collections of books and other printed media owned by a person in a specific moment in time, often with clear evidence of ownership and use, have a rich cultural significance and high research potential. They provide a glimpse of the subject’s intellectual life, literary influences, and reading habits. In certain cases, they also shed light over book collecting patterns as well as Book and Reading History. A great deal of scholarship has focused on the enumeration or reconstruction of individual libraries with examples such as Private Libraries in Renaissance England (PLRE), Legacy Libraries, Melville’s Marginalia Online, Louis Stevenson’s Library and Biblioteca Julio Cortázar. The use of this property in Wikidata might facilitate the virtual reconstruction of such libraries which more often than not have been dispersed among different owners and holding institutions. (proposal by GracianiPicardo)


Idea 1
idea 1
Project 2