Summary of Character
Professor Charles Francis Xavier, also known as Professor X, is a fictional character, a Marvel Comics superhero known as the leader and founder of the X-Men.
Throughout most of his comic book history, Xavier is paraplegic, although his body houses one of the world's most powerful mutant minds. As a high-level telepath, Xavier can read, control and influence human minds. A scientific genius, he is also a leading authority on genetics, mutation, and psionic powers.
For more information about Professor X, visit here.
Character Appearances in MAD
Season 2
- Episode 8 (34) X Games: First Class: He with Magneto inadvertently acquiring Shaun White, Ryan Sheckler, and Ashley Fiolek.
- Episode 18 (44) DolPhineas and Ferb Tale: He crushed by Winter's psychic abilities.
- Episode 25 (51) Charles Xavier Boards His Plane: He trying to board his plane.
Season 4
- Episode 5 (83) MADvent Calendar: The annoncer says that Not to be outdone by Magneto marrying Professor X in New England, Stan Lee decides to marry Spider-Man's Aunt May at Comikaze.