Appearing in 1st story
Featured Characters:
- Beast (Hank McCoy) (Past)
Supporting Characters:
- Shadow Beasts of the 12th Dimension (First appearance)
- Shadow Goblins (First appearance)
- Magma Serpent (First appearance)
- Shadow Goblins
Other Characters:
- Avengers (Mentioned)
- Iceman (Bobby Drake) (Past)
- Cyclops (Scott Summers) (Past; revealed to be alive)
- Blob (Fred Dukes) (Mentioned)
- Toad (Mortimer Toynbee) (Mentioned)
- Brotherhood of Evil Mutants (Mentioned)
- Valtorr (Invoked)
- Seraphim (Invoked)
- Vishanti (Invoked)
- Agamotto (Invoked)
- Hoggoth the Hoary (Invoked)
- Horus (Carving)
- Ikthalon (Invoked)
- "Bigger Fish To Fry" (Mentioned)
Races and Species:
- Ennead (Carving)
- Shadow Beasts of the 12th Dimension (First appearance)
- Shadow Goblins (First appearance)
- Magma Serpents (First appearance)
- Mercy West Hospital (First appearance)
- Teetering Rocks (First appearance)
- Hell (Mentioned)
- Twelfth Dimension (Mentioned)
- Vapors of Valtorr (Invoked)
- Shield of the Seraphim (Invoked)
- Third Eye of Horus (First appearance)
- Icy Tendrils of Ikthalon (Invoked)
- Hosts of Hoggoth (Invoked)
Synopsis for 1st story
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
• As young Beast continues to struggle with his new life in the present day Marvel Universe, he turns to another man of science for guidance — former surgeon and present day sorcerer supreme, Doctor Strange!
• But seeing as Strange has put down his scalpel to pick up a spellbook, Beast might be receiving very different answers than he was hoping for...