To not be confused with enslavers, as in, people who enslave. Trending pages Gorr (Earth-616) Amatsu-Mikaboshi (Earth-616) Hiro-Kala (Earth-616) Chitauri Skaar (Earth-616) James Braddock Jr. (Earth-616) Mister E (Symbiote) (Earth-616) N'Garai All items (74) # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other A Aaron the Aakon (Earth-616) Abraxas (Earth-691) Aggamon (Earth-616) Amatsu-Mikaboshi (Earth-616) Amazon Tribe (Earth-23134) Amazons (Gamburu) (Earth-616) Arthog (Earth-616) Atlas Foundation (Earth-616) August Smythe (Earth-616) Autocrons B Keno Barkerton (Earth-616) Black Order (Corvus Glaive) (Earth-616) Blowfly (Earth-616) Brain Monster (Earth-616) Breakworlders Brotherhood of Badoon (Earth-616) Brotherhood of Badoon (Earth-691) Brothers of the New World (Earth-616) Bruce Banner (Maestro) (Earth-TRN887) C Chitauri Colonialist (Earth-616) Consortium (Earth-616) Coyote (Earth-616) Crimson Pirates (Earth-616) D Demon Lords of Stasis (Earth-616) Deviant Empire Dragon Lords (White Dragon's Gang) (Earth-616) Drako (Earth-616) E Estiban Cortez (Earth-616) Eternals of Eyung F Fomalhauti G Galaxy Master (Earth-616) Gorr (Earth-616) H Hippolyta (Earth-616) Hiro-Kala (Earth-616) J James Braddock Jr. (Earth-616) John Carter (Ideaverse) K Kly'bn (Earth-616) Kulan Gath (Original) (Earth-616) Kulan Gath (Original, Temporal Paradox) (Earth-616) L Lizard Men of Tok Lobo Cartel (Earth-616) M Mabdhara Mahkizmo (Earth-74101) Martian Masters Melnibonéans Mister E (Symbiote) (Earth-616) Mojo (Earth-39259) Mojo (Earth-TRN566) N N'Garai N'Jadaka (Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda) (Earth-616) Nzinga (Earth-616) P Phao (Earth-616) Power Broker (Power Broker, Inc.) (Earth-616) R Ramses (Earth-616) Rita Wayword (Earth-8096) S Salamander (Earth-616) Serpent-Men Seti I (Earth-616) Skaar (Earth-616) Skrull Slavers (Earth-616) Sl'gur't (Earth-616) Slavers (Race) Slototh (Earth-616) Star-Headed Old Ones Structure (Vampires) (Earth-616) Sugar Man (Earth-295) Sung Li (Earth-7642) T Thulsa Doom (Earth-616) Triads (Earth-616) Turtle Head Wu (Earth-616) V Vrellnexians W Wong-Chu (Earth-616) Z Z'nox (Race)