Trending pages Outer Gods Ancients (Demons) Lesser Old Ones Alien Mutants Other Gods Goblins (Elderspawn) All items (109) # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other A Air Elves Alien Mutants Alligator Men Ancient Ones Ancients (Demons) Asasabonsam Asgods Atomic Puppies B Bajang Baseline Xartans Bird-Women Bog Bears Boggy Creek Monsters Brine Giants Buzzcrows C Chlorites Ciuateteo Coral Immortals of Cataracts D Daedemon Dark Ones (Earth-13519) Depowered Mutants Deraxi Deviants of Eyung Diascar Divs E Elder Ones Eldrites Elves of the Vale Emerald Jinns of Ur-Xanarrh Eyungs F Fallen Stars Flarks Flying Fiends Forest Devils G Giants (Viracocha) Ginnunga-Ghosts Gnoph-keh Goblins (Elderspawn) Goblins (Lilith) H Hiisi Hill Monkeys Hoar-Frost Ogres Hoggothian Giants Hollering Things Hounds of the Tindalos Hypergods I Ice-Devils Ichthyosaurs K Knobbies Ko-Kri Kree Deviants Kryptonians L Lard Giants Latents of Eyung Lava Colossi Lesser Old Ones Lupine M Manticores Moon Elves Morbific Ghouls Muck Sharks Muttaliku N Neo-Hyde Gutspawn Nioth Kargai O Oolafat Ophions Other Gods Outer Gods Ovi (Race) P Patupaiarehe Pleasure Elves Q Quicksand Squids Quokrillians R Rock Giants S Sea Elves Shadow Giants Shadow Goblins She-Serpents Shilleths Shin (Korean Gods) Sidhe (Otherworld) Snow-Leopards Spectral Cannibal Trolls Spice Elves Swamp Apes Swamp Whales T Taniwha Tcho-Tcho Temporalon Tengu (Devils) Tezcatlipoca's Giants Timber Giants Tipua Toraxisi Troll Gods Tusk-Bears U Undergods W Wairua Walkers of the Outer Void Were-Bugs Were-Honey-Badgers Were-Octopi Were-Rhinoceros Were-Slugs Wild Men of the Woods Woods Boogers X Xreeks Y Yersinia pestis Z Zygotian Zingfop