Alex Nevsky, seeking revenge against Tony Stark created his own version of Vanko's destroyed armor. It was designed to be more lightweight; Making it much sleeker and faster in order to compete with Stark's current armor, as Iron Man's design had significantly improved from the armor Vanko designed the first Crimson Dynamo to compete with. Nevsky was assassinated (allegedly by KGB agents) and the armor was taken. It was next seen in action under the control of Yuri Petrovitch; however, he abandoned his role as the Dynamo after a single mission. Dimitri Bukharin used this armor for a time, but eventually switched to an upgraded armor with a slightly updated design.
- Energy Projection: While the Vanko generator of this model was not particularly powerful, due to being lightweight it was much faster and consumed less power than previous models and could shoot a high-frequency lightning-like discharge of 1.000.000 volts at a distance of 100 feet.[2] Nevsky made several additions to the Dynamo's arsenal: small rockets, smokescreens, an "electrothrust" and force bolts.
- Sensors: The armor was equipped with infrared lenses.[1]
- Superhuman Strength: The armor enhances the user's strength by a factor of fifthy, a man capable of lifting 300 punds can lift 7.5 tons while wearing the armor.[2][1]
- Superhuman Durability: The armor was highly damage resistant[1] and could resist concussive forces equal to 40 pounds of TNT or medium anti-tank weaponry.[2]
- Life Support: Due to an internal atmosphere, could be operated in extreme temperatures, a vacuum, and other harsh environments.[1]
- Flight: The Mark III originally had no flying technology, but that was added after Nevsky's first battle against Tony Stark.[1] The armor can reach a speed of 110 mph.[2]