In the 71st Century eco-apocalyptic future, the Last Inhuman Maximus, who survived the attack on the planet Earth by the god-like beings called the Progenitors communed with his past self through the substance Primagen in order for him to plan accordingly from allowing this future from happening in the past.[1]
- Maximus the Last Inhuman (Deceased)
- Noh-Varr the Accuser (Deceased)
- Moon King (Jaycen) (Deceased)
- Pterolyth Riders (Deceased)
- Sleepers (Deceased)
- Progenitors
- Gorgon (Deceased)
- Captain Swain (Jovana) (Deceased)
- Pterolyths (Deceased)
- Prior to being given an official reality number, this universe was referred as Earth-TRN738 as a part of our Temporary Reality Numbers classification system.