This timeline diverged from Earth-616 during the events portrayed in Avengers #177 when, at a critical moment in his battle with the last of the heroes, Korvac looked to Carina for support. In the Earth-616 timeline, Korvac sensed doubt within her and that caused him to lose the will to live and abandon life. However, in this reality, Carina suppressed her doubts and returned his love with all her strength, renewing his energy and giving Korvac the power he needed to vaporize those last four heroes and then Moondragon, who had wished to join his cause. Working together, Korvac and Carina then swiftly sealed off Earth from all the godly and ungodly realms that were adjacent to it, and from all time-travelers, including Immortus. Korvac then dealt with the remaining internal threats by banishing Doctor Strange, Jean Grey/Phoenix and the Silver Surfer. Korvac also investigated the Celestial Fourth Host but left them alone when he discovered that they would not interfere because it might affect their ongoing fifty-year judgment of mankind.
Korvac then went on the offensive, and he and his recreated minions managed to kill a number of the universe's most powerful beings, including Galactus. Eventually, the Living Tribunal declared that the crimes that Korvac had committed against the cosmic balance of that universe were so great that he had to take action and mete out justice himself. The Living Tribunal then delivered his ultimate punishment by causing Earth's Sun to go nova, but Korvac was powerful enough to shield Earth from destruction. Concluding that he could do no more and must give that universe up for lost, the Living Tribunal departed, sealing Earth-82432 off from all others lest its evil spread.
Soon afterwards, when confronted by an intergalactic armada made up of millions of starships, Korvac realized that, although he was now stronger than any being in the universe, he was not stronger than every being in the universe. Enraged that his dream of universal order was being thwarted and full of hatred for the universe that had refused to yield, Korvac activated the Ultimate Nullifier and destroyed the universe, making all become nothing.[1]
Sometime later, Jean Grey/Phoenix, Silver Surfer, and Doctor Strange returned to the featureless void of non-space that had been their universe. After discovering the Ultimate Nullifier, the only object that remained, the trio were able to learn how their universe had been destroyed. When they then decided to try to resurrect their universe by using the Ultimate Nullifier to nullify the nothingness around them, the spirit of Eternity manifested itself and asked to not be resurrected so that it might stand as an object lesson abut the preciousness of life and the enormity of death. After the trio decided to respect Eternity's wishes, Jean Grey/Phoenix and Silver Surfer left to travel the multiverse while Doctor Strange stayed behind, deciding to remain at his post as that universe's Sorcerer Supreme for eternity.[2]Residents
- Michael Korvac (Earth-82432)
- Carina Tivan (Earth-82432)
- Avengers (Earth-82432)
- Uatu (Earth-82432)
- Odin (Earth-82432)
- Zeus (Earth-82432)
- Arishem (First Cosmos)
- Galan (Earth-82432)
- Stranger (Earth-82432)
- Master Order (Earth-82432)
- Lord Chaos (Earth-82432)
- Living Tribunal
- Grandmaster
- Shaper of Worlds (Earth-82432)
- Gardener
- In-Betweener (Earth-82432)
- Death (Earth-82432)
- Eternity (Earth-82432)
- Silver Surfer
- Dr. Strange
- Phoenix Force
- Watchers (Earth-82432)
- High Evolutionary (mask only)