
Fahnbullah Eddy (Earth-616)

Quote1  I'm black. I'm female. I turn into a gorilla, and nobody's ever heard of me. I might as well have cannon fodder stamped on my forehead.  Quote2
Gorilla Girl[src]


Fahnbullah Eddy (Earth-616) from Avengers The Initiative Vol 1 13 002
In human form

Fahnbullah Eddy is first seen performing at a carnival (billed as "Gorilla Woman"), where she entertained audiences with her ability to change shape from a beautiful woman to a powerful gorilla. What the audience didn't know was that she and the rest of her fellow performers had been robbed of their souls and enslaved by the magician Moondark.

The carnival was freed from Moondark by Spider-Man and Ghost Rider and the carnies' souls returned.[1][2]

After being freed from Moondark's bondage, Gorilla Girl (traveling in her preferred ape form) and her fellow carnival performers Six and Muck Monster left the carnival to seek their own futures. They happened upon a fleeing Dr. Melloncamp, who crashed her car swerving to avoid them. Feeling responsible for her accident, the three former carnies rushed to pull the doctor from the burning vehicle. The three succeeded, only to be bowled over by Hammer and Anvil, who had come to recapture Melloncamp for their own use. Gorilla Girl and Muck Monster were reluctant to intervene, but Six took it upon himself to come to the doctor's aid. When he was overwhelmed, his two compatriots joined in and the two criminals were defeated. After this, the trio considered becoming a superhero team called the Freaks.


After the Civil War, she was captured by the Thunderbolts. She threw Penance down three flights of stairs, causing him to severely beat her before taking her captive. She was also listed as a potential recruit for the Initiative,[3] and eventually joined it.

Marvel Apes vs. Marvel Zombies

While in training at Camp Hammond, Eddy befriended her fellow recruit Speedball.[4] Her history afterwards became merged with that of her counterpart from Earth-38831 because of manipulations involving time- and interdimensional travel.

When Speedball disappeared on a mission in Los Angeles, Eddy joined wannabe reporter Jane Potter and ape-like mutant Gibbon in breaking the last person who had seen Speedball, the inexperienced young hero Ape X, out of H.A.M.M.E.R. custody.[5]

After freeing Ape X, Eddy and the group traveled through a portal to the Monkeyverse to save Speedball, but instead ended up in a world overrun by Zombies.[5]

With help from Spider-Monkey and the zombie head of Mister Fantastic, the group was able to set up a time machine which would allow them to stop the Zombie Invasion. The plan required one of their group to travel back in time and destroy the portal between the two worlds before Speedball had been pulled through, causing the breach that the Zombies entered. The catch to this was that it would either trap the traveler in the Monkeyverse or erase them from existence entirely. Ape X volunteered but was knocked out by Eddy who took his place. Eddy succeeded in destroying the portal using the enchanted monkey-wrench taken off the killed-by-zombies Wrencher, creating a split timeline, leaving only Ape X and Jane Potter with memories of what happened. Eddy's fate after this is unknown.[6]


Power Grid[9]
:Category:Power Grid/Fighting Skills/Some Training:Category:Power Grid/Energy Projection/None:Category:Power Grid/Durability/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Speed/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Strength/Superhuman (800 lbs-25 ton):Category:Power Grid/Intelligence/Normal


Gorilla Transformation: Gorilla Girl can transform into a powerful, but still intelligent, gorilla at will. She is also very agile in both forms.

  • Superhuman Strength: In her gorilla form she becomes superhumanly strong and can lift 3 tons.[7]



An Enchanted Monkey-Wrench taken off the body of the deceased Monkeyverse version of the Wrecker.


  • Gorilla Woman/Girl was initially depicted as a fully mature adult (human form), but when the character was revived in 2008, Fahnbullah Eddy seemed younger. It is unknown if these two incarnations were intended to be separate characters, or if there was a continuity error.
  • She is first named "Gorilla Woman" when displayed on her carnival poster (she was depicted as a grown woman in this incarnation). However, her fellow Freaks tend to refer to her as "Gorilla Girl".
  • In her initial appearance with the Freaks, she seems to prefer to remain in her more powerful ape form. She assumes the form of an attractive woman only when it gives her advantage, such as to seduce men.


  • Her character is most likely based on the Girl-to-Gorilla sideshow illusion, in which a beautiful woman is apparently transformed into a dangerous gorilla. This act was once popular in carnivals, theme parks, and circuses. It was even featured in the James Bond film Diamonds are Forever.

See Also


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