Appearing in "The Horn of the Unicorn!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Rigellians (Mentioned)
- Crimson Dynamo (Anton Vanko) (Mentioned)
Other Characters:
- Buckminster Fuller (Mentioned)
- Wundagore II (Mentioned)
Synopsis for "The Horn of the Unicorn!"
After the rebuilt Stark International's grand opening, Tony, accompanied by LMD Unit 6 as Iron Man, bids farewell to Jack and Jasper. Stark instructs the LMD to return to storage and deactivate, but a mysterious burglar watches its departure through a secret passage. An explosion draws Iron Man to confront the Unicorn at SI's docks. Battling him, Iron Man realizes Unicorn is being directed by "the Other" from afar. Unicorn magnetically pulls a solar truck to strike Iron Man from behind, but he remote activates the Dymaxion Car behind Unicorn, then ducks so both vehicles crash into his foe, disabling Unicorn's force field. Iron Man takes the Unicorn into custody, but "the Other" remains free.
- Jasper Sitwell and Jack of Hearts leave Stark International and will no longer be supporting characters in this title.
- As seen on page one, this issue is Story #C-878.
- Artist Keith Pollard drew pages 2-3 only in this issue, which was a diagram of the "new" Stark International.
- Titanium Man appeared last in Champions #10 and will appear next in Iron Man #115
- Unicorn appeared last in Iron Man #69, He will appear (like Titanium Man) in Iron Man #115