Katherine PrydePrime Marvel Universe(Earth-616)Contents 1 Comic Variants 2 Live-Action Variants 3 Animated Variants 4 Game Variants 5 Others 6 Shadowcat Related 7 Teams 8 Media Comic Variants Super Heroes are Glamour Celebrities(Earth-12) X-Men Forever(Earth-161) Nazis Won WWII(Earth-597) WidgetDays of Future Past(Earth-811) Second X-Men Team Never Formed(Earth-913) Professor's Secret Service(Earth-1003) Retro Men(Earth-1038) Black QueenMutant X(Earth-1298) Captain PrydeUnified 2099(Earth-2099) Nocturne's Reality(Earth-2182) Wolverine married Mariko(Earth-4392) Marvel Age Power Pack(Earth-5631) Home to Deathlok the Demolisher(Earth-7484) Kitty PrydeMarvel Apes(Earth-8101) Kitty-BugLarval Earth(Earth-8311) Animal-men(Earth-8919) MidgetHumorverse(Earth-9047) Phoenix did not die(Earth-9112) Marvel Panini UK comics(Earth-9411) Ruins(Earth-9591) Day of Future Tense(Earth-9620) Earth X(Earth-9997) Defenders found the Concordance Engines(Earth-11127) Age of X(Earth-11326) Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe(Earth-12101) Exalted(Earth-12245) True/Friend reality(Earth-12934) Spider-GirlSpider-Man used science to help the city(Earth-13346) Widget(Katherine Pryde)(Widget)Jean Grey School25 Years Later(Earth-13729) Wolverine: Enemy of the State(Earth-14850) Arcadia(Earth-16191) Wolverine: The Vigil(Earth-19333) Marvel Adventures(Earth-20051) Mutant powers had physiological side effects (mostly farting)(Earth-21110) The Wastelands(Earth-21923) Home to Justicer Bull(Earth-23238) Sentinel Territories(Earth-25158) Xavier led Skrull Mutants(Earth-32098) President Kitty PrydeX-Men: The End(Earth-41001) Kitty Pryde pushed a tuna sub from Emma Frost's stomach(Earth-42122) Lockheed could talk and cracked jokes(Earth-50224) Domain of Apocalypse(Earth-51518) House of M(Earth-58163) Age of Ultron(Earth-61112) Bullet Points(Earth-70105) ShadowHome to Shadow(Earth-74897) Hembeck-verse(Earth-77640) Cat(Catherine Pryde)Home to Cat Pryde(Earth-79596) SpritePhoenix survived, Dark Phoenix took over(Earth-81727) Avengers lost Evolutionary War(Earth-89721) Widget(Katherine Pryde)(Widget)Wolverina's reality(Earth-89923) SpriteUltravision's Utopia(Earth-90110) Noir(Earth-90214) Earth-Z(Earth-91126) Mutant Destruction(Earth-94831) Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe(Earth-95126) Home to the Pet Avengers(Earth-97161) Mini-Marvels(Earth-99062) Magneto & Professor X Formed the X-Men Together(Earth-523004) X-Men: 100th Anniversary(Earth-TRN421) (Earth-TRN656) Mutant Extermination(Earth-TRN727) Captain Kate PrydeJamie Braddock's pocket reality(Earth-TRN839) (Earth-TRN948) Bruce Banner Jr. became the Warlord(Earth-TRN991) Alternate wedding of Meggan and Captain Britain(Earth-TRN1020) World without Nate Grey(Earth-TRN1047) Kvetch Men(Earth-TRN1106) Magik and Shadowcat's friendship blossom(Earth-TRN1126) (Earth-TRN1350) ShadowtigerStasis Timeline(Moira IV.8) Second attempt to kill Hope(Moira VI.2) Fourth attempt to kill Hope(Moira VI.4) Sixth attempt to kill Hope(Moira VI.6) Eighth attempt to kill Hope(Moira VI.8) Captain Kate PrydeSinister Timeline(Moira VII.1) Katherine Pryde(Zombie)Mojoworld(Mojoverse) Current Reality is Unknown(Unknown Reality) Current Reality is Unknown(Unknown Reality) Current Reality is Unknown(Unknown Reality) Current Reality is Unknown(Unknown Reality) Current Reality is Unknown(Unknown Reality) Current Reality is Unknown(Unknown Reality) Current Reality is Unknown(Unknown Reality) WolverineCurrent Reality is Unknown(Unknown Reality) TigraCurrent Reality is Unknown(Unknown Reality) DarkhawkCurrent Reality is Unknown(Unknown Reality) DazzlerCurrent Reality is Unknown(Unknown Reality) ShadowkatCurrent Reality is Unknown(Unknown Reality) Spider-Gwen(Earth-65) Age of Apocalypse(Earth-295) War of the Worlds(Earth-691) Asgardian X-Men(Earth-904) MC2(Earth-982) The Offspring(Earth-1005) Princess KatherineHome to Captain Marshall(Earth-1193) Ultimate Universe(Earth-1610) Earth-Z(Zombiverse)(Earth-2149) Wolverine: Horseman of Apocalypse(Earth-2988) ColleenKitty's Fairy Tale(Earth-5311) Days of Future Now(Earth-5700) SpriteCrossoververse(Earth-7642) CatX-Men trapped in limbo(Earth-8280) ArielAlternate Days of Future Past(Earth-8720) 'No More Powers'(Earth-9021) Shallocat(Kitty Pryde)Humorverse(Earth-9047) Punisher killed Wolverine-Lord of the Vampires(Earth-9140) Storm became Phoenix(Earth-9590) Wondercat(Kitty Sandsmark)Amalgam pocket universe(Earth-9602) Katherine PrydeDays of Future Past variant circa 2035(Earth-9891) Last Gun on Earth(Earth-11080) Peter Parker married Kitty Pryde(Earth-11162) Super Hero Squad comics(Earth-11911) Ord resurrected Jean Grey(Earth-12224) Phantom CatHome to Spider-Boy 2099(Earth-12772) KittenHome toBattleworld's K'un-Lun(Earth-13116) Professor PrydeJean Grey School25 Years Later(Earth-13729) What If? AvX(Earth-13776) Home to Matthew Malloy(Earth-14923) The Rider raised Thanos as his child(Earth-18138) A bot wrote Spider-Man(Earth-19925) Captain Marvel: The End(Earth-20368) Heroes Reborn 2021(Earth-21798) Cable Destroyed the X-Men(Earth-21993) X-Topia(Earth-24201) Age of Apocalypse: Space X-Men(Earth-32000) AAFES Universe(Earth-33900) The X-Men are the most popular team on Earth(Earth-41625) Danger Became a Bride of Ultron(Earth-42221) Marvel Age(Earth-50302) Egyptia(Earth-51910) Homeworld of the Executive Action Committee(Earth-59222) Katherine Pryde(Ultimate)Ultimate End(Earth-61610) A-Babies vs. X-Babies(Earth-71912) Star-LordGuardians of the Galaxy searched for the Infinity Stones(Earth-77302) Age of Xavier(Earth-77995) Future Ultimate Fantastic Four head an anti-mutant regime(Earth-81122) X-Men Lost Inferno(Earth-89112) ArielFred Hembeck Destroys the Marvel Universe(Earth-89768) Wolverina's reality(Earth-89923) Dark TigerTeenage Excalibur led by female Captain Britain(Earth-90122) X-Men are evil(Earth-90631) Limbo(Earth-91240) Marvel Riot Age of Apocalypse(Earth-95120) Phantom CatLegion of Galactic Guardians 2099 destroyed by Chronal Collapse(Earth-97061) Xavier's secret second team survived Krakoa(Earth-98193) ShadowcompsognathusDino-World(Earth-99476) X-Factor Forever(Earth-TRN237) Ben Grimm Becomes the Hulk(Earth-TRN425) Timeline reshaped by the Future Brotherhood(Earth-TRN657) Sentinels and Daemonites conquer America(Earth-TRN745) Giant-Size Little Age of Apocalypse(Earth-TRN934) Thor and Storm Marry(Earth-TRN983) Widget(Katherine Pryde)(Widget)Alternate wedding of Meggan and Captain Britain(Earth-TRN1020) Gata SombraHome to Superioribus(Earth-TRN1046) (Earth-TRN1078) Anthropomorphic animal Excalibur were a rock band(Earth-TRN1125) The Complete History of Shadowcat and Colossus' Relationship(Earth-TRN1127) Ninth Life of Moira X(Moira 9) First attempt to kill Hope(Moira VI.1) Third attempt to kill Hope(Moira VI.3) Fifth attempt to kill Hope(Moira VI.5) Seventh attempt to kill Hope(Moira VI.7) Ninth attempt to kill Hope(Moira VI.9) WidgetMojoworld(Mojoverse) Widget(Widget)(Adorable X-Babies)Mojoworld(Mojoverse) Current Reality is Unknown(Unknown Reality) Current Reality is Unknown(Unknown Reality) Current Reality is Unknown(Unknown Reality) Current Reality is Unknown(Unknown Reality) Current Reality is Unknown(Unknown Reality) Current Reality is Unknown(Unknown Reality) SleepwalkerCurrent Reality is Unknown(Unknown Reality) Current Reality is Unknown(Unknown Reality) Current Reality is Unknown(Unknown Reality) SpriteCurrent Reality is Unknown(Unknown Reality) Current Reality is Unknown(Unknown Reality) Spider-WomanCurrent Reality is Unknown(Unknown Reality) Live-Action Variants Original X-Men Cinematic Universe(Earth-10005) Revised X-Men Cinematic Universe(Earth-10005 Revised) Animated Variants Wolverine and the X-Men & Avengers: EMH!(Earth-8096) X-Men: Evolution(Earth-11052) X-Men: Evolution'salternate future(Earth-31129) Wolverine and the X-Men apocalyptic future(Earth-80920) 1990s X-Men and Spider-Man cartoons(Earth-92131) Pryde of the X-Men television pilot(Earth-652975) Sprite1980s Spider-Man and Hulk cartoons(Earth-8107) Avengers AssembleHulk & S.M.A.S.H.Ultimate Spider-Man(Earth-12041) What The--?!: AvX(Earth-53289) Super Hero Squad cartoon and games(Earth-91119) Katherine PrydeMarvel Super Heroes: What The--?!(Earth-93342) Game Variants Contest & Realmof Champions(Earth-517) X-Men Legends(Earth-7964) Marvel Puzzle Quest(Earth-13178) Marvel Future Fight(Earth-51156) X-Men II: The Fall of the Mutants(Earth-90613) Shattered Dimensions (Ultimate)(Earth-TRN580) SpriteMarvel: Ultimate Alliance(Earth-6109) Marvel: Avengers Alliance(Earth-12131) Marvel Heroes(Earth-31690) Marvel Strike ForceNexus Earth(Earth-78149) X-Men: Destiny(Earth-TRN064) Midnight Suns(Earth-TRN994) Others Katherine Pryde(Doppelganger)Prime Marvel Universe(Earth-616) Katherine Pryde(Temporal Paradox)Nocturne's Reality(Earth-2182) WidgetMojoworld(Mojoverse) Katherine Pryde(Original)Prime Marvel Universe(Earth-616) ShadowcatMojoworld(Mojoverse) ShadowcatCurrent Reality is Unknown(Unknown Reality) Shadowcat Related Ariel Red Queen Spider-Girl Star-Lord ShadowkittyMojoworld(Mojoverse) The Pryde Shroud Sprite Kate-Angel ChimeraSinister Timeline(Moira VII.1) Kitty WilsonPrime Marvel Universe(Earth-616) Teams Shadowcat Ninja ClanMangaverse(Earth-2301) Widget-TechDeadpool's Scariest Ending(Earth-TRN1197) Kitty PrideKitty Pride was a collective of talking felines(Earth-10169) Media Kitty Pryde Comic Books(Disambiguation)