The Other Gods are a group of extradimensional entities, that are (similarly to the Outer Gods) mistaken often enough with the Great Old Ones to be categorized the same.[1]
Nyarlathotep is the only known Other God.[1]
For relevancy issues, due to the fact the Other Gods are often confused with Great Old Ones, to the point they considered to be the same, please consult the Great Old Ones' page for more information on the activities of this group as a whole.
See also Nyarlathotep's page.
See also Nyarlathotep's page.
- The Other Gods were created by H. P. Lovecraft in the story "The Other Gods" (written in 1921, published in November, 1933).
- The only known Other God in Marvel Comics, Nyarlathotep is traditionally described in the Cthulhu Mythos as an Outer God,[2][3] and the messenger[2] and protector of the Great Ones, or Other Gods.[4]