Appearing in "Double Cross"
Featured Characters:
- X-Men (Main story and flashback)
- Wolverine (Logan) (Main story and flashback)
- Rogue (Main story and flashback)
- Storm (Ororo Munroe) (Main story and flashback)
- Colossus (Peter Rasputin) (Main story and flashback)
- Dazzler (Ali Blaire) (Main story and flashback)(Swapped body/mind with Diamondback)
- Longshot (Main story and flashback)
- Havok (Alex Summers) (Main story and flashback)
- Psylocke (Betsy Braddock) (Main story and flashback)
Supporting Characters:
- Gateway (Main story and flashback)
- Llyra (Main story and flashback)
- Ghaur (Main story and flashback)
- Mr. Jip (Main story and flashback)
- Sidewinder (Seth Voelker) (Main story and flashback)
- Diamondback (Rachel Leighton) (Main story and flashback)(Swapped body/mind with Dazzler)
- The Serpent Society (Main story and flashback)
- Cobra (Main story and flashback)
- Fer-De-Lance (Only in flashback)
- Copperhead (Only in flashback)
- Asp (Main story and flashback)
- Puff Adder (Main story and flashback)
- Boomslang (Main story and flashback)
- Anaconda (Main story and flashback)
- Black Mamba (Main story and flashback)
- Coachwhip (Main story and flashback)
- Rock Python (Main story and flashback)
- Cottonmouth (Main story and flashback)
- Black Racer (Main story and flashback)
- Bushmaster (Main story and flashback)
- Rattler (Main story and flashback)
Other Characters:
- Mr. Jip's lair
- Jeweled Cro-Magnon skull
- American Indian Totem
Synopsis for "Double Cross"
Mister Jip has swapped the minds of Dazzler of the X-Men, and Diamondback of the Serpent Society, to force them to obtain several powerful mystical items for him. X-Men leader Storm agrees to Jip's demand, and her team and Diamondback defeat the latter's Serpent Society teammates—hired by Atlanteans planning an invasion of the surface world—to obtain the items from the Savage Land; Lima, Ohio; and Iceland. After Mister Jip returns Dazzler and Diamondback's minds to their bodies, Diamondback reveals that she is working with Sidewinder, the deposed founder of the Serpent Society. They thank the X-Men for doing their work, steal the items, and collect the Atlanteans' fee. Although disappointed, Jip thinks to himself of the sinister plans the Atlanteans have for the items and for Storm.
Appearing in "Jubilation Day"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Reaver guard dog (First appearance; dies)
Other Characters:
- Zhan Lee (Photo)(First appearance; unnamed)
- Jingyi Lee (Photo)(First appearance; unnamed)
- M-Squad (Referenced)
Races and Species:
- Hollywood (Referenced)
- Mojave Desert (Referenced)
Synopsis for "Jubilation Day"
When Dazzler, Storm, Rogue, and Psylocke return to their Australian base via Gateway's teleport portal after shopping at the Hollywood Mall, orphan mutant Jubilee jumps through the hole.[1] Unfamiliar with the X-Men, she spies on them while stealing clothing and food. When the Reavers attack the base,[2] Jubilee hides but meets a Reaver guard dog. Defeating it with her firework powers, she gains confidence in her abilities.
Appearing in "Saga of the Serpent Crown, Chapter 3: Serpent in the Garden"
Featured Characters:
- Wanderers (Ape-Men tribe) (Only in flashback)
Supporting Characters:
- Gaea (Only in flashback)
- Celestials (Only in flashback)
- Gammenon, the Gatherer (Only in flashback)
- Arishem, the Judge (Only in flashback)
- Oneg, the Prober (Only in flashback)
- Serpent-Men/Tribe of Mighty Set (Only in flashback)
- Set (Mentioned)
Other Characters:
- Eternals (Only in flashback)
- Deviants (Only in flashback)
- Humans (Only in flashback)
- King Kull (Only in flashback)
- Sise-Neg (Mentioned)
- Garden of Eden (Only in flashback)
- Atlantis (Mentioned)
- Celestial starship
Synopsis for "Saga of the Serpent Crown, Chapter 3: Serpent in the Garden"
The following story was narrated by Uatu the Watcher. He witnessed the origin of beings on the evolutionary borderline between apes and humans. Sise-Neg created a lush, green garden-like environment for two of these creatures. The unnamed couple became the ancestors of an entire tribe. These tribe lived in a migratory lifestyle, never settling in one place. But each year, their leader and their mate would return to the ancestral garden. It was sacred to them. One year, the leader and his mate discovered their sacred tribe occupied by another tribe. The strangers were free from the signs of care and hardship that marked the members of their own tribe, as if all their needs and desired were sated. The leader of the strangers communicated with them telepathically. Informing them that they are the tribe of Set, cared for, fed, given warmth, and kept healthy and alive by their patron god. He invited the leader and his mate to join their ranks, promising them a happy life.
The couple asked what they had to do. The leader of the tribe of Set informed them that mighty beings were coming from the sky, the Celestials. In preparation for their arrival, the couple could help kill their original tribe and feed them to Set. The couple themselves would safely survive. The two wanderers realized the stranger was evil and reacted violently, killing him. In death, the Serpent-Man reverted to his true form. The wanderers escaped back to their tribe and led them to attack the Serpent-Men. They drove their enemies away from the garden. Just as the battle was finishing, the First Host of the Celestials arrived. Gaea also arrived and beckoned the victorious tribe forward to accept the gifts of the space gods.
Gammenon the Gatherer collected the wanderers and transported them to the Celestial ship. The envious Serpent-Men attempted to approach the ship but were driven away by Arishem the Judge. Within their ship, the Celestials altered the genetic make-up of the wanderers, creating three races of humanity. There are the Eternals, virtual immortals with vast powers, the Deviants whose genetic structure varies wildly. The Celestials let the remaining wanderers evolve naturally into normal humans but give them latent genes that would someday produce superhumans.
The Serpent-Men and other new demonic races went on to terrorize the emerging human race. But humanity grew strong and fought back, eventually forcing the remaining Serpent-Men into hiding. The legendary king Kull of pre-cataclysmic Atlantis would eventually slay most of the last Serpent-Men on Earth. Most but not all. There Uatu ended his story.
Solicit Synopsis
See Also
Recommended Reading
Links and References
- Official Marvel Index to the X-Men (Vol. 2) #5 - See for further referencing