YahwehPrime Marvel Universe(Earth-616)Contents 1 Comic Variants 2 Live-Action Variants 3 Game Variants 4 Others Comic Variants 2099 A.D.(Earth-928) Marville(Earth-3131) Future Imperfect(Earth-9200) Age of X(Earth-11326) Allah1,001 Arabian Nights Reality(Earth-38191) MAX-Universe(Earth-200111) Deadpool MAX(Earth-TRN133) Ultimate Universe(Earth-1610) Crossoververse(Earth-7642) Defenders found the Concordance Engines(Earth-11127) The Wastelands(Earth-21923) Dead of Night: Man-Thing & Devil-Slayer(Earth-85133) Old Man Logan(Earth-807128) Live-Action Variants Logan film(Earth-17315) Sony's Spider-Man Universe(Earth-688B) Marvel Cinematic Universe(Earth-199999) Game Variants Marvel's Spider-Man game series(Earth-1048) Others En Sabah NurRevised X-Men Cinematic Universe(Earth-10005 Revised)