The Zundamites are a semi-humanoid race who originated on Zundam, the eighth planet from the sun in the Fakowi star system of the Milky Way galaxy. In their prime, their technology was superior to that of present-day Earth.[1]
Over a century ago, the planet-ravager Terminus came to their world to steal its wealth and enslave its people. Like the other planets ravaged by Terminus, Zundam was presumably destroyed in the process. Terminus also took a Zundamite, Mizix, who was known as a great scientist, as his personal slave to guide him across space to new worlds to plunder.[2][3]
Sometime later, after having guided Terminus to the planet Arianis Major, Mizix convinced Terminus that Earth would be a suitable world to be plundered next. Mizix had secretly directed Terminus towards Earth because he knew that the planet was special and suspected that, by the time they arrived, Earth would have evolved enough to have brought forth beings who possessed the power needed to successfully stand against Terminus.[2][3]
After traveling through space at light-speed for a hundred Earth-years, Terminus (and Mizix) arrived on Earth.[4] However, after encountering the dominant life-form and seeing how they fled before his power, Terminus judged Earth to be a puny, ridiculous world whose people would make very poor slaves. Displeased by the pitiful plunder that he could get from Earth and suspecting why he had been lured there, Terminus declared that the slave had failed him and punished him by dropping him to the ground more than 100 feet below. While Terminus was occupied with beginning the ravaging of the planet, the mortally-wounded Zundamite spoke with two members of the Fantastic Four and Wyatt Wingfoot and, before dying, told them about Terminus and why he had deliberately brought the planet-ravager to Earth.[2] His body was later buried on Earth.[1]
Since then, a few other Zundamites have been encountered by beings from Earth, including one who was among the representatives of many alien species who were aboard an Intergalactic Auction Cruiser in order to bid on the autobiography of Rick Jones[5] and several who were among the spectators at the finish line of the Galactic Marathon.[6]Habitat
Type of Government
Level of Technology
- Although Fantastic Four #270 featured the first appearance of a Zundamite, the name of his race wasn't revealed until Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe (Vol. 2) #15 and the name of that particular Zundamite wasn't revealed until All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z: Update #3.
- The Official Handbook's quarter-page entry on the Zundamites states that they have seven fingers (with opposable thumbs) and five toes, but the accompanying illustration shows a Zundamite with only five fingers (including a thumb) on each hand and only four toes on one foot and only two toes on the other. In contrast, the Zundamite in that FF issue was drawn with five toes on each foot and no more than six digits (five fingers and a thumb) on each hand.
- Although it has been stated that the entire Zundamite race was enslaved by Terminus, that fact that others have appeared in Marvel stories since then implies that either not all of the Zundamites were enslaved or, if they were all enslaved, then some of them have since managed to regain their freedom.
- In Thor Annual #15, when Thor attempted to gain mental mastery over Terminus, he instead received a flood of images that revealed the planet-ravager's origin and history. As part of that download, the alien who had lured Terminus to Earth was referred to as his planet's last survivor. Given that other Zundamites had already been seen alive by then, this description would seem to be inaccurate, unless Terminus somehow knew that all of the other Zundamites whom he had enslaved on Zundam had died before he arrived at Earth.
- This wiki lists Zundamites as appearing in the two chapters of the "Last Galactus Story" that were presented in Epic Illustrated #32-33. However, although the faces of those aliens have some similarity to Zundamite faces, their orange skin, much smaller heads, and five digits on each hand are significant differences. Then again, that story is set a hundred million years in the future of Earth-8436, so maybe the appearance of the Zundamite race changed as they evolved?