08 November 2020 : Database Analysis
Identification of the Prognostic Value and Clinical Significance of Interferon Regulatory Factors (IRFs) in Colon Adenocarcinoma
Munire Yuemaier1ABCDEF, Zhiqiang Zhou1AEFG*, Youxu Zhou2ABCDE, Chengwen Wu1CDE, Fei Li1CDEF, Xiaodan Liang1BCEF, Haihan Kang1BCDEF, Dongfang Shen1FG, Fei Gao1EFG, Jinxi Lin2EDOI: 10.12659/MSM.927073
Med Sci Monit 2020; 26:e927073
Figure 9 Correlation of IRFs expression with immune infiltration level in COAD tissues (TIMER). The scatter plots (A–I) identify the different profiles of immune cells associated with IRFs.