Bifrons is the 46th demonic spirit of the Ars Goetia and an earl of Hell. He first appears as a monster but after a while he will take the shape of a man at the command of the summoner. His office is to teach men astrology, geometry and other arts and sciences. He also will teach men the uses of herbs, about precious gems and different types of wood. He is of great help for necromancers.
Upon the command of his summoner, he will also move a buried body to another location or light candles upon the graves of the deceased that he has control over. He also moves bodies into different graves, lights candles over graves and is said he also has the ability to control the souls of the dead. Bifrons controls over 26 legions of infernal spirits.
Bifrons is also an alternate name for Janus, the Roman two-headed and double-natured god of gateways and new beginnings. According to Rudd, Bifrons is opposed by the Shemhamphorasch angelAriel.
Kaneko's design for Bifrons draws inspiration from a costume worn by musician Lenny Kravitz in promotion for his new album Circus released in 1995, seen here. The design maintains even his dreadlocks, but the mask carries over Bifrons' grin from the Dictionnaire Infernal, seen here.
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey
One of the 72 demons of the Goetia. He lights candles on graves. He only appears in human form when ordered to; at all other times he is a hideous monster. He has much knowledge, and teaches about magic, herbs and gems. It is said he also has the ability to control the souls of the dead.Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey compendium
Bifrons (or possibly multiple Bifrons) serve as Master Mitra's main messengers and runners. A Bifrons was also tormenting Bugaboo when the protagonist and Jimenez stumbled upon them.
Shin Megami Tensei IV
One of the 72 demons of the Goetia. He lights candles on graves. He only appears in human form when ordered to; at all other times he is a hideous monster. He has much knowledge, and teaches about magic, herbs, and gems. It is said he also has the ability to control the souls of the dead.Shin Megami Tensei IV profile
Bifrons is a demon of the Fallen race. He can teach Flynn the Agi skill through his Demon Whisper and also learns both Attack Knowhow and Healing Knowhow, allowing him to use attack items and healing items in battle respectively.
Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse
One to the 72 demons of the Goetia. He lights candles on graves He only appears in human form when ordered to; at all other times he is a hideous monster. He has much knowledge, and teaches about magic, herbs, and gems. It is said he also has the ability to control the souls of the dead.Shin Megami Tensi IV Apocalypse compendium
Bifrons appears in the south entrance and west entrance passage areas of Shinjuku. He can teach the Agilao and Posumudi skills through his Demon Whisper. Bifrons gains a bonus to any Fire or healing skills learned.
Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers
One of the 72 demons of the Goetia. He lights candles on graves. He only appears in human form when ordered to; at all other times he is a hideous monster. He has a great deal of knowledge and teaches about magic, herbs, and gems. It is said he also has the ability to control the souls of the dead.Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers compendium
DemiKids Light & Dark Versions
Mystic demon that revives the dead for its own dark purposes.Demonary, DemiKids
Known as Bifronz, he is an Imperium officer who is sent to prevent the Devil Children from gaining the power of light and dark.
In Light Version, Bifronz attacks Jin in the Temple of Light after he reads Lord Light's letter. Stating that the power of light shall belong to the Imperius and that he shall crush Jin in Imperius' name.
This is event mirrored in Dark Version as Bifronz attacks Akira in the Dark Temple after he reads Darklord's letter. Bifronz attacks Akira to prevent him from attaining the power of dark, believing that the power belongs to Imperius.
Devil Children Puzzle de Call!
The second boss on Gale's route. He is fought in the Ice Cavern stage.
Devil Survivor 2
One of the 72 demons of the Goetia. He lights candles on graves. He only appears in human form when ordered to; at all other times he is a hideous monster. He has a great deal of knowledge and teaches about magic, herbs, and gems. It is said he also has the ability to control the souls of the dead.Devil Survivor 2 compendium
Bifrons is one of the minions of the Anguished One. He first appears on the fourth day asking his master if he can kill the humans. He can be optionally fought on the 5th Day when it tries to sabotage the Tsuutenkaku. If the player does not defeat him and is not on the Anguished One's route, Bifrons reappears on the Last Day when the Anguished One decides to test the player's strength. Bifrons stands out in comparison to Botis, the Anguished One's other minion, as a sadistic demon who enjoys killing for its own sake. Only kept under control by his master's threats. Bifrons is unlocked for fusion after his defeat.
Devil Survivor 2 The Animation
Like his game counterpart, Bifrons is one Anguished One's minions, but in contrast with his game counterpart, Bifrons is not sadistic, only attacking when someone trying to get close to his master or when he is offended. He is also less polite to his master, simply calling him with his real name, Alcor. He first appears on the third day along with Anguished One after Yamato defeated Phecda at JP's Nagoya Branch. He stopped Ronaldo from approaching Anguished One when the former about to question him, all the while asking his master why he's helping humans. He then attacks Airi when she challenged him and about to attack her again after she called him a runt, but stopped under Anguished One's order. When Ronaldo tried to apprehend them, Bifrons effortlessly defeated all the demons summoned by the Resistance before retreating with Anguished One.
He reappears along side Botis on the seventh day, confronting the Anguished One who has spent his times with Hibiki and his friends. He was horrified when witnessing Anguished One mercilessly killed Botis as the demon tried to kill him for siding with humans and fearfully told his master that he's obeying him when the latter asked for his opinion on the matter.