Aigis Orgia-Reload cutscene
Aigis activating Orgia Mode in Persona 3 Reload

Orgia Mode is an ability in the Persona series. It is mostly used by Anti-Shadow Suppression Weapon members like Aigis and Metis, but also available to Ribbon.



Persona 3 / FES / Portable / Reload

In this mode, my limiter is temporarily disabled. Thus, my offensive capability increases significantly. However, since my inhibition logic is disabled as well, I am entirely autonomous during that time. Furthermore, once Orgia Mode has been activated, it cannot be canceled until I overheat. Then, a cool down period is required before I can resume normal operation. Orgia Mode only lasts for a short while, so timing is crucial.Aigis

In Persona 3, Orgia Mode is Aigis' exclusive Tactic command, increasing her overall attack capabilities and removing any status ailments upon activation, at the cost of being immobile after using it. Exclusive in Portable, skills used in Orgia Mode do consume HP or SP.

Aigis under Orgia Mode
Aigis under Orgia Mode in Reload

In Reload, Orgia Mode is the first Theurgy skill available to Aigis. Unlike in previous versions, it cannot be used if Aigis is having an ailment. Upon activation, it inflicts heavy Pierce damage to all foes, and gives her a status ailment of the same name that cannot be removed. This ailment lasts for three turns (or more with certain equipment) and causes her to automatically attack unprompted, although her skills do not consume HP or SP during this period. While in Orgia Mode, Aigis has her attack and defense increased, is immune to all other ailments (except K.O.), and cannot be knocked down even when her weakness is hit. She cannot receive Shift, but she can still participate in an All-Out Attack and even trigger it if her attack manages to knock down all enemies.

At the end of her last turn, Orgia Mode expires and is replaced with Overheat, which lasts and prevents Aigis from moving for one turn.

Game Effect Power Cost
Persona 3 Reload Heavy Pierce dmg to all foes, ignoring resistances. Ignores orders for a time. Heavy Theurgy

The Answer

During the events of the epilogue in FES, Aigis overuses her Orgia Mode in order to subdue Metis. While Aigis no longer has access to Orgia Mode, her previous role in the party has been replaced and enhanced by Metis' "Neo" Orgia Mode. Upon activation, "Neo" Orgia Mode allows boosts Metis' offense and also lets her use her skills at no cost.

In Reload, Orgia Mode has been moved to one of Metis' Theurgy attacks and now deals Strike damage.

Game Effect Power Cost
Persona 3 Reload
Episode Aigis - The Answer
Heavy Strike dmg to all foes, ignoring resistances. Ignores orders for a time. Heavy Theurgy

Persona 4 Arena / Arena Ultimax

P4AU (P3 Mode, Aigis activate her true power)
Aigis activating Orgia Mode in Persona 4 Arena Ultimax

During the Arena series, Orgia Mode becomes one of Aigis' two defining mechanics (alongside her limited ammo). Activating it grants her extra mobility options, such as boosting (both forwards and backwards), air boosting, and hovering. Aigis also gains access to new attacks, such as Megido Fire and the Pandora Missle Launcher. However, performing Orgia actions consumes a portion of the gauge, and the gauge slowly empties with time (including when Aigis is blocking, getting combo'd, and even while idle). If the gauge empties, Aigis enters an overheated state and Orgia Mode is temporarily disabled for an extended period of time. Fortunately, it can be deactivated manually (and even without penalty with certain commands).

In Persona 4 Arena Ultimax specifically, Aigis has access to Extreme Orgia Mode, an enhanced variation with increased mobility and attack power. During this mode, her persona cards, bullets, and Orgia gauge will recover, and Athena counterattacks immediately while using her normals. However this mode is only available if Aigis is out of bullets, overheated, and for 150 SP. And, after Extreme Orgia Mode ends, Aigis will return to Orgia overheat.

Persona Q series

In Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth, Orgia is an ability of Aigis that requires one turn to activate, which also removes any ailments or binds on her. For the next two turns, her damage output is doubled. However, after that, Aigis must spend 3 turns to cool down.

In Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth, Aigis uses Orgia Mode to protect the P3 hero while they are separate from their teammates in A.I.G.I.S. Labyrinth, but she soon overheats and is rendered motionless. Ribbon, a robot modelled after Aigis, can also access Orgia Mode, but the ability is only usable during the battle against Mother Computer, when she fails to hack into the AI's system. Upon activation, Ribbon's Orgia disables Mother Computer's healing ability, allowing the party to defeat the AI for good. After the battle, Ribbon seems to be deactivated due to energy overload, but is eventually saved and revived by Futaba.

Strength Skills
Slash Icon P3P Slash Skills Cleave - Power Slash - Mighty Swing - Gale Slash - Fatal End - Deathbound - Heaven's Blade - Brave Blade
Blade of Fury - Tempest Slash
Zan-ei - Getsu-ei - Vorpal Blade
P3RE: Vacuum Slash - Neuro Slash - Cross Slash - Masquerade
Strike Icon P3P Strike Skills Bash - Sonic Punch - Assault Dive - Herculean Strike - Gigantic Fist - Heat Wave - Vicious Strike - God's Hand
Kill Rush - Swift Strike - Akasha Arts
Weary Thrust
Pierce Icon P3P Pierce Skills Single Shot - Primal Force
Double Fangs - Twin Shot - Torrent Shot - Arrow Rain - Myriad Arrows
Holy Arrow - Poison Arrow
Cruel Attack - Vile Assault - Pralaya
P3RE: One-shot Kill
Magic Skills
Fire Icon P3P Fire Skills Agi - Maragi - Agilao - Maragion - Agidyne - Maragidyne
Ragnarok - Maralagidyne
P3RE: Inferno - Blazing Hell
Ice Icon P3P Ice Skills Bufu - Mabufu - Bufula - Mabufula - Bufudyne - Mabufudyne
P3RE: Diamond Dust - Ice Age
Elec Icon P3P Elec Skills Zio - Mazio - Zionga - Mazionga - Ziodyne - Maziodyne
Thunder Reign
P3RE: Wild Thunder
Wind Icon P3P Wind Skills Garu - Magaru - Garula - Magarula - Garudyne - Magarudyne
Panta Rhei
P3RE: Vacuum Wave
Light Icon P3P Light Skills Hama - Mahama - Hamaon - Mahamaon
P3RE: Kouha - Makouha - Kouga - Makouga - Kougaon - Makougaon - Divine Judgment - Shining Arrows
Dark Icon P3P Dark Skills Mudo - Mamudo - Mudoon - Mamudoon
Die For Me!
P3RE: Eiha - Maeiha - Eiga - Maeiga - Eigaon - Maeigaon - Demonic Decree - Magatsu Mandala
Almighty Skills Megido - Megidola - Megidolaon
Black Viper - Morning Star
Life Drain - Spirit Drain - Foul Breath - Stagnant Air
Great Seal
P3RE: Cosmic Flare - Rebellion Blade - Sinful Shell
Ailment Skills
Ailments Evil Touch - Evil Smile - Ghastly Wail - Pulinpa - Tentarafoo - Bewilder - Eerie Sound - Poisma - Poison Mist - Virus Breath - Marin Karin - Sexy Dance - Provoke - Infuriate
Heal Icon P3P Recovery Skills
HP Recovery Dia - Media - Diarama - Mediarama - Diarahan - Mediarahan - Recarmdra
Revival Recarm - Samarecarm
Ailment Recovery Patra - Me Patra - Re Patra - Posumudi - Charmdi - Enradi - Amrita
P3RE: Baisudi - Mabaisudi - Amrita Drop - Amrita Shower
Special Salvation
Enhance Skills
Buffs Tarukaja - Matarukaja - Rakukaja - Marakukaja - Sukukaja - Masukukaja
P3RE: Heat Riser
Debuffs Tarunda - Matarunda - Rakunda - Marakunda - Sukunda - Masukunda
P3RE: Debilitate
Non-Negatable Rebellion - Revolution
Power Charge - Mind Charge
P3RE: Bloody Charge
Shields Tetrakarn - Makarakarn
Negation Dekaja - Dekunda
Fire Break - Ice Break - Elec Break - Wind Break
Other Trafuri
Passive Icon P3P Passive Skills
Hit/Crit rate Apt Pupil - Sharp Student
P3RE: Crit Rate Boost - Crit Rate Amp - Firm Stance
Counter Counter - Counterstrike - High Counter
Recovery Regenerate 1 - Regenerate 2 - Regenerate 3 - Spring of Life
Invigorate 1 - Invigorate 2 - Invigorate 3
P3RE: Drain Ability - Fast Heal - Insta-Heal - Soul Chain - Soul Link - Soul Shift
Conservation Arms Master - Spell Master
Survival Endure - Enduring Soul - Endure Light - Endure Dark - Survive Light - Survive Dark
P3RE: Survival Trick
Starting Battle Auto-Tarukaja - Auto-Rakukaja - Auto-Sukukaja - Auto-Mataru - Auto-Maraku - Auto-Masuku
P3RE: Auto Rebellion - Anti-Fire Master - Anti-Ice Master - Anti-Electric Master - Anti-Wind Master
Post-Battle Growth 1 - Growth 2 - Growth 3
Cool Breeze - Victory Cry
Attack Boost Fire Boost - Ice Boost - Elec Boost - Wind Boost - Hama Boost - Mudo Boost
1hSwd Master - 2hSwd Master - Fist Master - Heavy Master - Spear Master - Bow Master - Weapons Master
Raging Tiger
P3RE: Slash Boost - Strike Boost - Pierce Boost - Light Boost - Dark Boost - Almighty Boost - Magic Ability - Single-_target Boost - Multi-_target Boost - Shift Boost
Attack Amp Fire Amp - Ice Amp - Elec Amp - Wind Amp - Magic Skill Up
P3RE: Slash Amp - Strike Amp - Pierce Amp - Light Amp - Dark Amp - Almighty Amp - Magic Mastery - Shift Amp
Attack Driver P3RE: Slash Driver - Strike Driver - Pierce Driver - Fire Driver - Ice Driver - Elec Driver - Wind Driver - Light Driver - Dark Driver
Ailment Boost Fear Boost - Panic Boost - Distress Boost - Poison Boost - Charm Boost - Rage Boost - Ailment Boost
P3RE: Confuse Boost - Dizzy Boost - Freeze Boost - Shock Boost
Resist Attacks Resist Slash - Resist Strike - Resist Pierce - Resist Fire - Resist Ice - Resist Elec - Resist Wind - Resist Light - Resist Dark
P3RE: Resist Phys
Null Attacks Null Slash - Null Strike - Null Pierce - Null Fire - Null Ice - Null Elec - Null Wind - Null Light - Null Dark
P3RE: Null Phys
Repel Attacks Repel Slash - Repel Strike - Repel Pierce - Repel Fire - Repel Ice - Repel Elec - Repel Wind - Repel Light - Repel Dark
Absorb Attacks Absorb Slash - Absorb Strike - Absorb Pierce - Absorb Fire - Absorb Ice - Absorb Elec - Absorb Wind
P3RE: Drain Light - Drain Dark
Dodge Attacks Dodge Slash - Dodge Strike - Dodge Pierce - Dodge Fire - Dodge Ice - Dodge Elec - Dodge Wind
P3RE: Dodge Light - Dodge Dark - Angelic Grace - Vidyaraja's Blessing - Ali Dance
Evade Attacks Evade Slash - Evade Strike - Evade Pierce - Evade Fire - Evade Ice - Evade Elec - Evade Wind
P3RE: Evade Light - Evade Dark
Resist Ailments P3RE: Resist Charm - Resist Confuse - Resist Distress - Resist Dizzy - Resist Fear - Resist Freeze - Resist Poison - Resist Rage - Resist Shock - Resist Ailments
Null Ailments Null Fear - Null Panic - Null Distress - Null Poison - Null Charm - Null Rage - Null Shock - Null Freeze - Unshaken Will
P3RE: Null Confuse - Null Dizzy
Other Alertness - Fast Retreat - Divine Grace
Fusion Item Icon P3P Fusion Spells Cadenza - Justice - Jack Brothers - Frolic - King and I - Dreamfest - Summer Dream - Best Friends - Thunder Call - Valhalla - Scarlet Havoc - Shadow Hound - Raktapaksha - Trickster - Infinity - Ardhanari - Last Judge - Armageddon
Others Cyclone Arrow - Tranquility - Hack n' Blast - Blaze of Life - Blizzard Edge - Blade of Execution - Lightning Spike - Electric Onslaught - Orgia Mode - Maximum Firepower - Hound of Hades - Power Howling - Divine Retribution - Divine Intervention - Bleeding Fury - Oracle - Revelation - Charging Blitz
Navigator Skills
Leveling up Analysis - Full Analysis - Support Scan - Third Eye - Healing Wave - Oracle - Escape Route
P3R: Jamming - Sylphid Aura - Shock Noise
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