"Home is the Hunter" est un roman de la série "Star Trek: The Original Series".
Coincés dans le passé, trois membres de l'USS Enterprise sont confrontés au danger et aux menaces sur l'Histoire.
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- 4ème de couverture
- A dispute over a planet and its primitive people leads Captain Kirk and a Klingon Commander to pit their ships against each other in battle. But the fight is stopped by a mysterious and powerful alien being named Weyland, who decides to punish three Enterprise crewmembers with their own history. He places Sulu in feudal Japan during the period's most important and bloody power struggle, Scotty in 18th century Scotland on the eve of revolt, and Chekov in WWII Russia.
- Now, the three time travelers must face overwhelming dangers as they are pulled by conflicting forces: their allegiance to their homelands, their duty to the Federation they serve, and the demands of history.
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- Galaxie (planètes, phénomènes...) :
- Espèces intelligentes et organisations :
- Personnages :
- Humains : Pavel Chekov / Nikita Khrouchtchev / James T. Kirk / Montgomery Scott / Hikaru Sulu / Vassili Tchouïkov / Tokugawa Ieyasu / Mototada Torii
- Vaisseaux, stations et engins: USS Enterprise NCC-1701
- Armement et technologie :
- Autres :
Liens externes
- (en) (fr) Home Is the Hunter sur Wikipedia
- (en) Home is the Hunter sur Memory Beta, wiki Star Trek non-canon.
Livre précédent: #51. "Enemy Unseen" |
Pocket TOS | Livre suivant: #53. "Ghost-Walker" |
Livre précédent: #41. "Mindshadow" |
Titan Books | Livre suivant: #43. "Demons" |