

Clare Raymond family tree, remastered 01
A computer readout of ten generations of progeny from the Raymond family
Shannon Janeway and family snapshot
The family of Shannon Janeway in 2050

You choose your enemies, you choose your friends, but family? That's in the stars."
"So I've heard.Miles O'Brien and William T. Riker

There's an old saying. 'Blood is thicker than water. It means that the ties of family run deeper than any other kind of relationship.' We'll often do things for members of our family we'd never dream of doing for anyone else.Kathryn Janeway

A family (also described as a familial connection or ohana) was a social unit between people by genetics, marriage, adoption, or an especially strong friendship. Those in a family were typically described as relatives; those that lived prior to an individual were known as ancestors, while those that lived after an individual were known as descendants.

The USS Enterprise-D, as a Galaxy-class starship, carried a number of families as part of its regular complement. This was much to the chagrin of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, who did not consider himself a family man. The ship's saucer separation function was intended in part to protect the families on the vessel by allowing them to flee to safety when the vessel entered combat situations. (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint") In an alternate timeline in 2366 in which the United Federation of Planets was at war with the Klingon Empire, Guinan noted the absence of families on the vessel to Jean-Luc Picard. She stated to him that there should be children on the ship, to which he replied that they were at war. To this she replied that they were not supposed to be, that the vessel was a ship of peace, not one of war. (TNG: "Yesterday's Enterprise")

Regarding the presence of families on starships, Ronald D. Moore commented "Perhaps [still] on some Galaxy-class ships, but I think this was an experiment that failed." (AOL chat, 1997) "I think that the "family friendly" starship notion was an interesting idea, but one that didn't pan out. There was always something awkward about Picard ordering the ship into battle situations with kiddies running through the corridors. And no matter how much lip service we paid to the "our families are part of our strength" concept, it never seemed very smart or very logical to bring the spouse and kids along when you're facing down the Borg, or guarding the Neutral Zone, or plunging the ship into uncharted spatial anomalies." (AOL chat, 1997)

In 2374, Seven of Nine said the need for familial connections was a weakness. (VOY: "Hope and Fear") Later in 2376, Seven of Nine evolved to believe that she and Naomi Wildman said they considered each other family because they were very close friends. (VOY: "Survival Instinct") The study of these family relationships was known as genealogy. (VOY: "11:59")

Crews of some starships considered themselves family. In 2259 of the alternate reality, James T. Kirk expressed his joy that a newly fatherless Carol Marcus would be a part of the USS Enterprise's family as a regular crewmember, not merely a specialist on temporary assignment to the ship; Marcus remarked that it was nice to have a family. (Star Trek Into Darkness)

In 2287, Leonard McCoy wondered aloud why he, James T. Kirk, and Spock spent time together on shore leave, despite serving together on the Enterprise-A, and especially given their mutual antagonism of each other, remarking that other people had families (who they spent time with). Kirk agreed that other people did, but not them. After Kirk later referred to Spock as his brother, whom he lost but had later regained, McCoy noted the inconsistency between that comment and Kirk's earlier one about them not having families. Kirk admitted that he had been wrong about that (i.e. they did have families – each other.) (Star Trek V: The Final Frontier)

In 3189, Michael Burnham asked Su'Kal what he knew about families. He answered, "Families are where children are nurtured and loved and taught the norms and rules of the society in which they are raised." (DIS: "Su'Kal")

Cultural views

Familial connections varied by species, culture, gender, sexual identity, and preference.

Denobulans commonly had several spouses, each of which had more spouses, and children by each. (ENT: "A Night in Sickbay") Bolian families may have likewise been polygamous. (DS9: "Field of Fire")

According to Kotan Pa'Dar, "On Cardassia, family is everything. We care for our parents and our children with equal devotion. In some households, four generations eat at the same table. Family is... everything." (DS9: "Cardassians")

The Novans named their ancestors "before-family" and "go-befores". (ENT: "Terra Nova")

According to Klag, a Klingon was his work and not his family, that this was the way of things among Klingons. (TNG: "A Matter Of Honor") The reality of this, however, was seemingly more complex, as an entire Klingon family could be tainted for the actions of an ancestor. (TNG: "Sins of The Father")

In a deleted scene from "The Measure Of A Man", when Data bid his goodbyes to Geordi La Forge, believing he would be transferred, Geordi stated that Starfleet was big, but that it was a family, and they would see each other again.


Family members of prisoners detained by the Cardassian Union were not allowed to visit them in prison, but they were invited to the trial and execution. According to Odo, it was done so the public could see them cry over their loved ones. (DS9: "Tribunal")


Direct genetic connections

Indirect genetic and non-genetic connections

Non-genetic familial connections

See also


Real-life connections

External links

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